Selected works from talented photographers and models.
Coming soon: the next highlight in just
A platform to showcase your photography and/or modeling work to a global audience.
Our community: 3,589 striking portfolios of the world and 527 visitors.
Present your most impressive work to a global audience and receive valuable recognition!
You retain full control over your work and decide whether and where to share it!
Be inspired by the creativity of our community! You are in good company.
Up to 9 images in your portfolio are free .
Get the opportunity to earn money with your talent by creating exclusive content.
Put your work in the spotlight and achieve a top-ranking in your specific area of expertise!
Get the recognition your work deserves - we only accept the best!
Finally honest feedback. No comments in portfolio. Anonymous and limited voting only.
Discover the best of contemporary photography and be part of our history ...
... or watch and follow the latest trends!
NEU: Feedback Beiträge / NEW: Feedback posts
Wir haben STRKNG auch wegen den nervigen Kommentaren bei anderen Fotoportalen erfunden.Wir wollen, dass nur anonyme Votings zählen und dass eigene Arbeiten ohne lästige Eigenwerbung anderer präsentiert werden können. Daran wird sich nichts ändern.
Portfolioinhalte (Portfoliobilder, Blog-Beiträge und Events) bleiben frei von Kommentaren.
Abgetrennter Bereich
Wir verstehen aber, dass eine persönliche Entwicklung nur im Austausch mit anderen stattfinden kann.
Deswegen haben wir uns entschlossen, einen eigenen Feedback-Bereich einzurichten.
Du kannst hier, wie im Blog, Beiträge mit 1-9 Bildern erstellen, mit dem Unterschied, dass diese Beiträge von anderen kommentierbar sind.
In deinem Portfolio können nur angemeldete Mitglieder deine Feedback-Beiträge und deren Kommentare sehen, ansonsten sind sie unsichtbar.
We also invented STRKNG because of the annoying comments on other photo portals.
We want only anonymous votes to count and that your own work can be presented without the annoying self-promotion of others. Nothing will change about that.
Portfolio content (portfolio pictures, blog posts and events) will remain free of comments.
Separate area
However, we understand that personal development can only take place in exchange with others.
That's why we decided to set up our own feedback area.
Here, like in the blog, you can create posts with 1-9 images , with the difference that these posts can be commented on by others.
Only registered members can see your feedback posts and their comments in your portfolio, otherwise they are invisible.