"words" - photography

Valeria Schettino 3

I'm Valeria 23 years old Italian girl. I currently live in Malaga, Spain. I studied at the University of Naples digital communication, where I graduated in 2015. In 2016 I studied photography in...

Europe / Italy / Naples

Isaac Chen 3

I love to shoot natural interactions all the time, to find some strong chemistry between YOU and ME. I want to sew pieces of moments together, let the images tell your STORIES over words could...

Asia / Taiwan / Taipei

éon.noir 1

@eon.noir Linz-based photographer Sabine Linemeyr’s main areas of expertise are portrait-, fashion- and conceptual photography, with occasional stints in concert photography. Her passion for the...

Europe / Austria / Linz

Aizpuriete 1

Photography to me is a way to transfer my feelings when I cannot find words. Celebrating the body that has gone through so much and still is here with me and for me.

Europe / Latvia / Rīga

Ehsan moradi

I am Ehsan Moradi, 34 years old, from Iran. My style and genre of photography is portraits and conceptual photos, and my goal is to say my words through the lens of my camera.

Asia / Iran / Iran - Shiraz - Firoozabad


Aspiring photographer from the Philippines who enjoy taking shots of the surreal and candids of women. Here is where I express my thoughts whenever Im loss for words.

Europe / United Kingdom

Sarah 7

Hey I'm Sarah and I've been taking pictures as a hobby for about 3 years, both with others and with myself. It has become a passion, I can perceive and feel myself well through it. I write...

Europe / Germany / Sachsen / Chemnitz

The past & the future are only words.. / Abstract  photography by Photographer Nina Klein ★11 | STRKNG

The past & the future are only words.. - © Nina Klein

life is more than words can say / Portrait  photography by Model Emily ★22 | STRKNG

life is more than words can say - © Emily

Nero Ossessione / Nude  photography by Photographer Tunguska.RdM ★31 | STRKNG

Nero Ossessione - © Tunguska.RdM

no words to be found. / Portrait  photography by Photographer herz.mensch.fotografie ★40 | STRKNG

no words to be found. - © herz.mensch.fotografie

The words that never existed / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Ronny ★11 | STRKNG

The words that never existed - © Ronny

How many swollen hot words sleep on a branch of the autumnal tree (close-up) / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Rapid.Heart.Movement ★26 | STRKNG

How many swollen hot words sleep on a branch of the autumnal tree (close-up) - © Rapid.Heart.Movement

Jahresrückblick 2024 |  Year in Review 2024 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2024-11-20 14:38

Jahresrückblick 2024 | Year in Review 2024

Ein weiteres Jahr voller unvergesslicher Momente und einzigartiger Augenblicke liegt hinter uns – Momente, die Ihr hoffentlich mit Euren Kameras festgehalten habt! Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, gemeinsam zurückzublicken und die schönsten Bilder zu feiern, die Ihr in 2024 eingefangen habt.

So geht's:
- Wählt Eurer Lieblingsbild aus dem Jahr 2024 aus.
- Ladet es bis zum 31.12.2024 hier in diesem Blog hoch.
- Erzählt uns gern in ein paar Worten die Geschichte hinter Eurem Foto!

Another year full of unforgettable moments and unique experiences has passed—moments we hope you captured with your cameras! Now it’s time to look back together and celebrate the most beautiful photos you took in 2024.

Here’s how it works:
- Choose your favorite photo from the year 2024.
- Upload it here on this blog by December 31, 2024.
- Feel free to share a few words about the story behind your photo!
About growing - Blog post by Model Sophie / 2023-07-27 11:17
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 1 / Kreativ
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 1
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 2 / Kreativ / transgender
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 2
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 3 / Kreativ
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 3
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 4 / Kreativ
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 4
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 5 / Kreativ
Jasmin Steffin # 2023 # Luebben # 5
Blog post by Photographer virtuzz / 2023-01-29 21:41
Eleonora Massai / Nude
Eleonora Massai
Eleonora Massai / Nude / nude,nudeart,nudemodel,nudephotography,nudeartphotography,nudeartmodel,naked
Eleonora Massai
Eleonora Massai / Nude / nude,nudeart,nudemodel,nudephotography,nudeartphotography,nudeartmodel,naked
Eleonora Massai
Dein bestes Bild 2022/ Your best image 2022 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2022-11-23 11:46

Dein bestes Bild 2022/ Your best image 2022

Und wieder nähert sich das Ende von einem Jahr, auf das man getrost verzichten hätte können, wenn man es mit den unzähligen schlechten Nachrichten aus der Welt aufwiegt.
Wir hoffen, ihr konntet euch dennoch ausgiebig mit schönen fotografischen Momenten ablenken und würden uns gerne anschliessen.

Zeigt uns sehr gerne "euer Bild des Jahres" und erzählt uns etwas zur Entstehungsgeschichte.

Wir wünschen natürlich wieder einen schönen Jahresausklang und hoffentlich bessere Zeiten für alle in der Zukunft.

Euer Team von STRKNG

Ladet das Bild hier in dem Kommentarfeld hoch und schreibt gerne noch ein paar Worte dazu. Bitte nur 1 Beitrag pro Person. Bild im Original unzensiert hochladen und ggf. mit dem integrierten Tool zensieren. Wir machen dann aus den schönsten Bildern wieder ein kleines Video wie im letzten Jahr. (https://strkng.com/de/blog/b2980)

And once again the end of a year is approaching that could easily have been foregone when weighed against all the bad news from around the world.
We hope you were able to distract yourself with plenty of beautiful photographic moments and would like to join us.

You are more than welcome to show us "your picture of the year" and tell us something about how it came about.

Of course we wish you a nice end of the year and hopefully better times for everyone in the future.

Your STRKNG team

Upload the picture here in the comment field and write a few more words. Please only 1 contribution per person. Upload the original uncensored image and, if necessary, censor it with the integrated tool. We will then turn the most beautiful pictures into a little video again like last year. (https://strkng.com/en/blog/b2980)


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