"tren" - photography

Zwischensequenz 11

Jonas Albrecht was born 1991 in Hamburg-Barmbek, Germany.
 Jonas photography is focused on artists, musicians and documentation. He wants to capture simplistic and timeless pictures without...

Europe / Germany / Hamburg / Hamburg

ugo grandolini 8

Self-taught — I started my journey into the world of photography in 2017, since then I dedicate over 90% of my time to this artistic discipline. From training to organising sessions lasting several...

Europe / Italy / Como

Alex Coghe 9

Documentary Street Photographer. Specialising in portraits. Street Photography Workshops and Expeditions in Mexico. Recognized street and portrait photographer known for his bold, raw, and...

North America / Mexico / Mexico City


SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS: - LAURENT GALLERY MELBOURNE | „Less is More“ Exhibition – September 20 -22, 2019 - CONTEMPORARY ART BBA GALLERY BERLIN | „Favorite Shots“ September 2019 -...

Europe / Germany / Berlin

monica smaniotto 2

Born in Cles (Tn) in 1986, she graduated from the art institute of Trento specializing in visual art, later she graduated from the University of Landscape Architecture in Genoa in 2012. She works in...

Europe / Italy / Trento

Photographe de Sherbrooke 2

Jean-François Dupuis Artist Statement: I have worked as an advertising photographer for years. Now I'm concentrating on fineart photography using the computer and printing on a wideformat inkjet...

North America / Canada / Sherbrooke

Copy Me / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

Copy Me - © Ralf Scherer
Achim Katzberg

The Dream / Black and White  photography by Photographer Mark Peterson ★2 | STRKNG

The Dream - © Mark Peterson
Eliana Trenam, dancer with Portland Ballet

urbex ballet / Conceptual  photography by Photographer Charly | STRKNG

urbex ballet - © Charly

Kingston, Jamaica / People  photography by Photographer GregorN | STRKNG

Kingston, Jamaica - © GregorN

Interview with painter / photographer Luis Treserras - Blog post by Photographer Thomas Berlin / 2024-11-12 17:07
» #1/2 « / Interview with painter / photographer Luis Treserras / Blog post by <a href="https://thomasberlin.strkng.com/en/">Photographer Thomas Berlin</a> / 2024-11-12 17:07
» #2/2 « / Interview with painter / photographer Luis Treserras / Blog post by <a href="https://thomasberlin.strkng.com/en/">Photographer Thomas Berlin</a> / 2024-11-12 17:07
January 2022: Chasing the low sun and long shadows - Blog post by Photographer Deborah Swain / 2022-01-30 19:22
Untitled - January 2022 / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,candid,canpubphoto,urbangeometry,documentary,colourstreetphotography
Untitled - January 2022
Untitled - January 2022 / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,urban,geometric,canpubphoto,colourstreetphotography,documentary
Untitled - January 2022
Glaube, Religion, Versöhnung - Blog post by Photographer Holger Förster / 2021-05-01 09:55
Ein kleines Gebet am Strand / Menschen / Religion,Gebet,Hinduismus
Ein kleines Gebet am Strand
Affen unter Aufsicht / Tiere / Buddhismus,Tempel,affen,hanuman
Affen unter Aufsicht
Holi-Fest in Kathmandu / Menschen / Katmandu,nepal,holi,religion
Holi-Fest in Kathmandu
Osterlicht in der Grabeskirche / Menschen / religion,jerusalem,grabeskirche,licht,ostern
Osterlicht in der Grabeskirche
Mitleiden / Menschen / Iran,geisselung,islam
Das Licht Allhas / Menschen / islam,iran,licht,moschee
Das Licht Allhas
Bar Mizwa an der Klagemauer / Menschen / Jude,feier,bar-mizwa,jerusalem,klagemauer
Bar Mizwa an der Klagemauer


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