- © Zsofia

Sofia and the white flower - © Alessio Moglioni
My work is surreal. Symbolizations, implications, and disguised up-drawings of memories, dominate. I have been affected by hyper-realism and the Dada movement. Lately I have been experimenting with...
Fashion and art russian photographer, currently based in Germany, Düsseldorf.
Her name is Sofia Cameira Afonso, but she goes by the name Skin Soul in the project's "The Traveler"/ "StarDust Dream, My Deep Biophilia"/ "Lisboa com Outra Alma", and...
One day I was at the street - the printing house I’ve worked for as a prepress and layout specialist for 12 years closed. I’ve decided to be a freelance photographer. Until that time...
Europe / Germany / Bayern / Immenstadt
- © Zsofia
Sofia and the white flower - © Alessio Moglioni
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