"message" - photography

Dirk Rohra 25

Dirk Rohra is a German photographer who has since 2019 specialized in the genres of portrait and nude photography. His ability to capture human emotions is evident in his visual excellence,...

Europe / Germany / Sachsen-Anhalt / Halle

Marc Elgo 10

Fotograf aus Mainz. For collabs & inquiries please send a message.

Europe / Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Mainz

obiwolf 5

I live in Berlin and can travel to anywhere in germany and europe. I enjoy making portraits and am always looking for opportunities to explore different moods and styles. Always looking for people...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Laura Ginés Ruiz (lauragruiz) 3

Laura Ginés Ruiz (Barcelona, 1987) is a photographer who began her career in 2013 after receiving a scholarship from the international photography school GrisArt. Specializing in fashion, she...

Europe / Spain / Barcelona

Peer Pape 4

Hi, my name is Peer P. and I started to take photos in January 2024. I'd like to showcase my works and get inspired by others! I just recently bought a pre-used Sony alpha 6000. I am not sure...

Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bonn

sk.photo 3

Nude pictures must not lose their naturalness. That your body has no clothes should not be the core message of the picture. If everything is correct, I will take the picture, regardless of whether you...

Europe / Germany / Thüringen / Erfurt

Iryna Berdnyk 21

Dear photographers, I hope you are doing well! I'm a Ukrainian model based in Porto, but available for shootings all over Portugal and all over the world! My strong genres are deep portrait...

Europe / Portugal / Porto

Emerika 10

Hello dear photographers! I'm Emerika, a reliable and very expressive model from Ukraine, based in Kiev now, but often organize tours around Europe I have a really nice curly hair and extremely...

Europe / Ukraine / Kiev

Madame Wallace 5

Welcome! If you would like to work with me feel free to give me a message. Enjoy my portfolio. Greets, Mia

Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen

Message / Portrait  photography by Photographer Isaac Chen ★3 | STRKNG

Message - © Isaac Chen

Neon Shower - BabyFirefly / Nude  photography by Photographer Curtis Joe Walker ★1 | STRKNG

Neon Shower - BabyFirefly - © Curtis Joe Walker

Morning message / People  photography by Photographer Saulius Krušna ★1 | STRKNG

Morning message - © Saulius Krušna

I am / Street  photography by Photographer lichtblicke.TIROL | STRKNG

I am - © lichtblicke.TIROL

No comment / Nude  photography by Photographer Simon Dias ★1 | STRKNG

No comment - © Simon Dias
Eleanor Freeman

Summer learnings of a trans woman - Blog post by Model Sophie / 2023-10-03 19:54
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summer,summervibes,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / transgender,hat,summervibes,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Stimmungen / guitar,instrument,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Mode / Beauty / summer,summervibe,countryside,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Mode / Beauty / summer,withinme,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / transgender,transwoman,trans,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Stimmungen / moving,myself,sensitive,light,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summer,summervibes,transwoman,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summervibes,grass,shadows,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
my new book | mein neuer Bildband - Blog post by Photographer Holger Nitschke / 2023-05-21 09:14
» #1/8 « / my new book | mein neuer Bildband / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/holger+nitschke/">Photographer Holger Nitschke</a> / 2023-05-21 09:14 / Schwarz-weiss
» #2/8 « / my new book | mein neuer Bildband / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/holger+nitschke/">Photographer Holger Nitschke</a> / 2023-05-21 09:14 / Portrait
» #3/8 « / my new book | mein neuer Bildband / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/holger+nitschke/">Photographer Holger Nitschke</a> / 2023-05-21 09:14 / Abstrakt
» #4/8 « / my new book | mein neuer Bildband / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/holger+nitschke/">Photographer Holger Nitschke</a> / 2023-05-21 09:14 / Portrait
» #5/8 « / my new book | mein neuer Bildband / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/holger+nitschke/">Photographer Holger Nitschke</a> / 2023-05-21 09:14 / Schwarz-weiss
» #6/8 « / my new book | mein neuer Bildband / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/holger+nitschke/">Photographer Holger Nitschke</a> / 2023-05-21 09:14 / Schwarz-weiss
» #7/8 « / my new book | mein neuer Bildband / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/holger+nitschke/">Photographer Holger Nitschke</a> / 2023-05-21 09:14 / Abstrakt
» #8/8 « / my new book | mein neuer Bildband / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/holger+nitschke/">Photographer Holger Nitschke</a> / 2023-05-21 09:14 / Portrait
Important Update - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2022-11-09 11:26

Important Update

Aufgrund von einer Abmahnwelle, welche aktuell Google-Fonts betrifft, haben wir STRKNG überarbeitet und noch DSGVO-konformer gemacht. (Danke an Kai Müller für den Hinweis!)

Neben den Google-Maps-Einblendungen haben wir auch die Push-Nachrichten, die Google Firebase benutzen, optional gemacht.

Schon gewusst?
Mit den Push-Nachrichten könnt ihr euch via Browser (sofern dieser Push-Nachrichten unterstützt) in Echtzeit darüber informieren, ob neue Bilder zu euren Lieblingsthemengebieten gerade eintreffen.

Durch die letzte Änderung ist es wahrscheinlich, dass eure Push-Nachrichten aktuell nicht mehr funktionieren, falls ihr sie schon genutzt habt.

Wir empfehlen:
Schaut euch nochmal eure aktuellen Cookies/Tools-Einstellungen an und setzt sie so, wie ihr euch wohl fühlt.

Due to a wave of legal warnings, which is currently affecting Google fonts, we have revised STRKNG and made it even more GDPR-compliant. (Thanks to Kai Müller for the tip!)

In addition to the Google Maps embeds, we have also made the push messages that use Google Firebase optional.

Did you know?
With the push-messages you can use your browser (if it supports push-messages) to find out in real time whether new images for your favorite topics are arriving.

Due to the last change, it is likely that your push messages will no longer work if you have already used them.

We recommend:
Look again at your current Cookies/Tools settings and set them as you feel comfortable.

Dunkeltraum Kalender 2023 - Blog post by Photographer dunkeltraum / 2022-09-13 14:36
Deckblatt | Helin / Nude / Kalender,Calendar,Dunkeltraum,Nude,Nudeart
Deckblatt | Helin
Calendar 2023 | Mya B. / Konzeptionell / conceptual,Konzeptionell,Dunkeltraum,Nude,Nudeart,Akt,Calendar,Mya
Calendar 2023 | Mya B.
Calendar 2023 | Helin / Nude / Calendar,Dunkeltraum,Helin,Nude,Nudeart,Akt,Kalender
Calendar 2023 | Helin
Calendar 2023 | Dreadheart / Nude / Nude,Nudeart,Kalender,Calendar,Dunkeltraum,Akt,Dreadheart
Calendar 2023 | Dreadheart
Calendar 2023 | Beke / Nude / Nude,nudeart,Beke,Kalender,Akt,Dunkeltraum,Calendar
Calendar 2023 | Beke
Calendar 2023 | Helin / Konzeptionell / Konzeptionell,Conceptual,Nude,Nudeart,Dunkeltraum,Kalender,Calendar,Helin,Akt
Calendar 2023 | Helin
Kim – An Interesting Day Indeed - Blog post by Photographer Gutenbild / 2020-10-09 18:10
Kim I / Nude
Kim I
Kim II / Nude
Kim II
Kim III / Nude
Kim IV / Nude
Kim IV
Kim V / Nude
Kim V
Kim VI / Nude
Kim VI
Kim VII / Nude
Kim VIII / Nude
Kim IX / Nude
Kim IX


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Photography Calendar

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