AgA - © Iwona Aleksandrowicz
Mein Leben begann in den Sechzigern in Deutschland, als Sohn meiner Mutter, Dr. Jenny Schmidt-Kuhn, einer Ärztin, und meines Vaters, Gottfried Johannes Schmidt, eines Pfarrers und Seelsorgers. Meine...
Documentary Street Photographer. Specialising in portraits. Street Photography Workshops and Expeditions in Mexico. Recognized street and portrait photographer known for his bold, raw, and...
I'm a Graphic Designer who happens to take photos. Over 25 years as an Art Director makes the difference in my work. You can learn technical skills as a photographer, but having a great eye is what...
Flatwhite is spearheaded by Avikal who is also a Business mentor and writer. Also a kick-ass photographer, budding filmmaker, and an abstract creative thinker, Avs have the 360 Degree experience in...
AgA - © Iwona Aleksandrowicz
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