Female beauty has always inspired and still inspires millions of artists to create beautiful works of art. Here I want to share this beauty with everyone. Every visitor will find for himself...
Astrid Susanna Schulz was born 1972 in Wildeshausen/Germany. As an autodidact she started photography with focus on portrait and nude art in 2013. Actually she lives and works in Bremen/Germany.
Lara Wilde studied audiovisual media in Berlin and psychology in Hagen. Since 2013 she has been working as a photographer and director with the aim of combining a strong visual language with her...
Lasse dich fallen. Lerne Schlangen zu beobachten Pflanze unmögliche Gärten. Lade jemand Gefährlichen zum Tee ein. Mache kleine Zeichen, die "ja" sagen und Verteile sie überall in deinem...
Moin, ich bin ein Bremer Amateurfotograf und wildere meist irgendwo im Grenzbereich zwischen Portrait- und Fashionfotografie.
The photographer Olaf R. Benold comes from the film industry - the filmmaker from his passion for photography. The look and the know-how for the designed and staged image he gained in 40 years of...
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