"top" - photography

Hendrik 52

Berlin Friedrichshain vibes. Love. Pride. Dignity. The golden decade. Gone forever. Lost to yesterday, yet unforgotten. Opened another wonderful chapter long ago, holding fond memories in...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Robert Hutinski 13

Artist's statement: What is in the photos is what I think I see. – To observe – To document – To communicate – To warn – To take a stand Today, the political permeates most...

Europe / Slovenia / Celje

Nicholas Freeman 13

Los Angeles based commercial photographer Nicholas Freeman blends technical mastery with creative vision in a bold, graphic, modern style. Nicholas has created imagery for some of the biggest fashion...

North America / United States of America / California / Los Angeles

Ralf Tophoven 9

Ich bin Fotograf aus Krefeld. Meine Hauptfokus liegt auf der Porträt und Sensualart Fotografie. Ich arbeite gerne mit Menschen zusammen, ich denke das man das auch in meinen Arbeiten gut sehen kann....

Europe / Germany / Krefeld

Igor B. Glik 8

French painter & photographer, originally from Russia, graduated from Moscow Fine Art School, has been living and working in Paris since 1986. The camera was always his working tool, whereas...

Europe / France / Paris

Anne 9

Thanks for stepping by. I love near Frankfurt am Main. I'm always keen to work with creative and easy going people on different kind of projects. My favorite topic is nude in combination with...

Europe / Germany / Frankfurt am Main

Sophie 1

I am a transgender non-op woman, with about two years of modelling experience. - I like to explore universal symbols in my work, and use them for my favourite topics: gender, feminism and climate...

Europe / Germany / Berlin

*** / Portrait  photography by Photographer Anka Zhuravleva ★21 | STRKNG

*** - © Anka Zhuravleva

The Red Top / Nude  photography by Photographer Thomas Berlin ★34 | STRKNG

The Red Top - © Thomas Berlin

Black hole sun / Portrait  photography by Photographer Christophe_Staelens ★5 | STRKNG

Black hole sun - © Christophe_Staelens
Laura Markovitz

box / Nude  photography by Photographer Martin Wieland ★10 | STRKNG

box - © Martin Wieland

. / Nude  photography by Photographer Martina Grabinsky ★34 | STRKNG

. - © Martina Grabinsky

Top Nude Photography from the Past 9 Years on STRKNG - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2025-02-04 14:14

Top Nude Photography from the Past 9 Years on STRKNG

We appreciate that our members keep their finest works in their portfolios for an extended period. This allows us to curate a rich, timeless gallery and reflect on the most stunning images from past years.

Below are highlights featuring some of the best nude photography from the last 9 years. Explore further on STRKNG—there’s an endless collection of breathtaking art waiting to be discovered!
Blog post by  STRKNG / 2025-01-17 14:16
Hello everyone,

In his feedback blog post from February 2024, Andreas Puhl sparked an interesting discussion. He questioned why the same photos and photographers often dominate the categories and regions, even though some of them are no longer active.

This inspired us to introduce annual filters over the past few months. These filters make the top images of the current year instantly visible.

The full list remains accessible, as it provides new visitors with an impressive first look at the project. For this reason, the annual filters are only visible to logged-in users.

We hope this update motivates long-time participants to become active again and compete at the top in the current year.

We look forward to seeing your photos and thank you for making our beautiful gallery possible.

Your STRKNG Team

Hallo zusammen,

Andreas Puhl hat in seinem Feedback-Blog-Beitrag im Februar 2024 eine spannende Diskussion angestoßen. Er fragte, warum in den Kategorien und Regionen oft die gleichen Fotos und Fotograf*innen dominieren, obwohl diese teilweise nicht mehr aktiv sind.

Das haben wir zum Anlass genommen, in den letzten Monaten Jahresfilter einzuführen. Mit diesen Filtern sind die Top-Bilder des aktuellen Jahres auf einen Blick sichtbar.

Die Ansicht der Gesamtliste bleibt weiterhin verfügbar, da sie für neue Besucherinnen einen beeindruckenden ersten Einblick in das Projekt bietet.
Deswegen sind die Jahresfilter nur für eingeloggte Nutzerinnen sichtbar.

Wir hoffen, dass diese Neuerung langjährige Teilnehmer*innen motiviert, auch im aktuellen Jahr wieder aktiv zu werden und vorne mitzuspielen.

Wir freuen uns auf Eure Bilder und danken Euch, dass Ihr unsere wunderschöne Galerie möglich macht.

Viel Spaß!
Euer Team STRKNG
Wald und Fels - Blog post by Photographer Andreas Ebner / 2024-11-29 18:06
Sensual Nude Photography: A Journey Beyond the Surface - Blog post by Photographer virtuzz / 2024-11-22 09:48
The Smoking Lady - Blog post by Photographer Matthias Petz (mp_kunst) / 2024-10-28 14:14


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Photography Calendar

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