Sprache der Seele 20

01.ICH SCHEIß DRAUF WAS ANDERE SEHEN WOLLEN Mir spielt keine Rolle was ANDERE gut finden. Es zählt nur woraf ich Bock habe. 02. ICH SCHEIß AUF KRITIK Wieso sollten Bilder immer perfekt...

Europe / Switzerland / Rorschach

Pierre Pellegrini 4

Born on September 7, 1968, in Sorengo, Switzerland After having gone in for architectural design, I realized my dream becoming a physical education teacher. During my professional development, I...

Europe / Switzerland / Aldesago

Bedaman 9

Photography, this capturing of a particular moment interests me in all all areas and has fascinated me for years. My goal is to create photos with that special touch, which appeal to the viewer and...

Europe / Switzerland / Basel