"stories" - photography

Manuela Deigert 23

I´m an Fine art photographer born in Fulda, lived in Oldenburg (Lower Saxony, Germany) for many years. In 2009, I seriously intensified my photography and some of my artworks have been awarded...

Europe / Germany / Niedersachsen / Oldenburg

Julien Jegat 22

Born in Northern France, I lived in different places in Europe (like Brno, Czech R.). I settled down in Toulouse during 7 years before moving in Hamburg in June 2016. I explore now THE vibrant arts...

Europe / France / toulouse

Buddabar Michal 15

Michał Buddabar is a controversial artist who has been taking photos since 2008. In spite of his short experience, he won a lot of competitions, honorable mentions and press publications thanks to...

Europe / Poland / Warsaw

Ron Kuhwede 20

Active practitioner of the art of creating images with the use of photographic equipment Some have an eye for art. Others an instinct for business. Ron Kuhwede has an eye for stories and another...

Europe / Germany / Sachsen / Leipzig

Andrew W Pilling 11

Thank you for having a look at my page. I am an experienced photo printer (professional experience); however, I have not often worked as a photographer. A few years ago, I had taken up street...

Europe / United Kingdom / London

Misses Julie 5

I started modeling as a hobby a few years ago. I love meeting new people and stories, being creative, discovering new sides of myself and always challenging myself. Unfortunately, my full-time job...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

John-Erik 8

"Ich ist ein anderer" (Arthur Rimbaud) Ich lasse gerne mit einer Kamera auf mich schießen. Bevorzugt in Köln oder Leipzig und Umgebung. A good photo tells a story. So let's go on a...

Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Köln

Big City Stories / Black and White  photography by Model nakiesheri ★129 | STRKNG

Big City Stories - © nakiesheri
Nicolas Guérin

Stories of land and sea ii / Nature  photography by Photographer mark kinrade ★11 | STRKNG

Stories of land and sea ii - © mark kinrade

december stories / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer melancholia II ★2 | STRKNG

december stories - © melancholia II

analogue stories / Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Klettenheimer ★39 | STRKNG

analogue stories - © Jens Klettenheimer

Carpet stories... / Nude  photography by Model Musa Erato ★8 | STRKNG

Carpet stories... - © Musa Erato
Thomas Gerwers

stories of dreams / Conceptual  photography by Photographer Alessandra Scalogna ★14 | STRKNG

stories of dreams - © Alessandra Scalogna

chicken stories - Blog post by Photographer Christian Meier / 2024-12-01 12:43
kopflos / Konzeptionell
unbestechlich / Konzeptionell
unbestechlich? / Konzeptionell
Das Urteil / Konzeptionell
Das Urteil
Sensual Nude Photography: A Journey Beyond the Surface - Blog post by Photographer virtuzz / 2024-11-22 09:48
Agatha / Nude / nude,nudeart,nudephotography,nudeartphotography,nuderart,naked
Agatha / Nude / nude,nudeart,nudephotography,nudeartphotography,nudeartmodel,nuderart,naked,nakedart
Agatha / Nude / nude,nudeart,nudephotography,nudeartphotography,nuderart,naked,nakedart
Agatha / Nude / nude,nudeart,nudephotography,nudeartphotography,nuderart,naked,nakedart
Agatha / Nude / nude,nudeart,nudephotography,nudeartphotography,nuderart,naked,nakedart
Agatha / Nude / nude,nudeart,nudephotography,nudeartphotography,nuderart,naked,nakedart
Peter Lindbergh. Untold Stories

Peter Lindbergh. Untold Stories

Das Buch und die Ausstellung "Untold Stories" im Düsseldorfer Museum Kunstpalast sind Herzensprojekte von Peter Lindbergh (1944-2019), die er kurz vor seinem Tod fertigstellte. Die Schau umfasst Fotos von den 1980er Jahren bis zur Gegenwart und zeigt neben bekannten Aufnahmen auch unveröffentlichte Bilder sowie Arbeiten für renommierte Magazine. Lindbergh, der den Menschen in den Vordergrund stellte und die Modefotografie revolutionierte, nutzte die Ausstellung, um seine Werke neu zu betrachten und schuf mit dem Künstlerbuch im XL-Format eine Sammlung von über 150 teils unveröffentlichten Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos, gedruckt auf speziellem Naturpapier.
In The Beginning - Blog post by Photographer Clint / 2024-07-03 06:20
I Found The Recording / Action
I Found The Recording
The Light / Nude
The Light
Ceres / Conceptual
forest stories - Blog post by Photographer ray gray / 2024-06-18 14:42
1. / Nude / foliage,leaf,body,forest
2. / Nude / foliage,body,leaf,forest


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