Photographer male / 63
Imprisoned / Portrait  photography by Photographer ugrandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Imprisoned - © ugrandolini

Getting ready for him... / Nude  photography by Photographer ugrandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Getting ready for him... - © ugrandolini

I dream about you... / Fine Art  photography by Photographer ugrandolini ★8 | STRKNG

I dream about you... - © ugrandolini

Emily / Nude  photography by Photographer ugrandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Emily - © ugrandolini

Paulita / Portrait  photography by Photographer ugrandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Paulita - © ugrandolini

Ghost Town #1 / Fine Art  photography by Photographer ugrandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Ghost Town #1 - © ugrandolini

I dream of a better world / Fine Art  photography by Photographer ugrandolini ★8 | STRKNG

I dream of a better world - © ugrandolini

Just another way to hurt myself / Portrait  photography by Photographer ugrandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Just another way to hurt myself - © ugrandolini

2021-08-31 10:44 

Introducing (R) – My first installation

For some years now I have been searching for a way to engage the viewer. To succeed in making him actively participate, beyond mere observation.

On September 12 I will present my first installation to the public at a group show in Milan.

More info coming soon...

2021-06-28 16:48 

One year of publications on magazines 2020

All my images published in 2020 in International Magazines: 254 pages, more than 200 images, 20 models.

Now available on Amazon!
24 hours after publication it is already ranked third in the Amazon Italy “Nude photography" bestsellers list!

Germany EUR 14,99

USA USD 19,90

France EUR 14,99

UK GBP 14,29

España EUR 14,90

Italy EUR 14,99

2021-06-05 11:01 

Charity auction in favour of the Colombian people

I just discovered a charity auction in favour of the Colombian people – I immediately thought, for once, to break my “vow of chastity” and to publish some images of my works that I make available for the project on my IG account.

Wherever you live you can participate in the auction and make your contribution.

If you are a model, in addition to my prints you can also make your offer to buy a photo session with me; the session, whose theme will be the "Freedom" project ( ) lasts a full day and takes place on Lake Como (Italy).

To place a bid, comment my latest posts with your bid, which must exceed the previous bid:

The auction ends on Sunday 6 June at 11pm (European Time).
I will contact the winners of my works the following week to arrange the payment and submission details.

You can see other works at auction by following the tag #subastasolidariaxcolombia on IG – for details on how the auction proceeds will be used follow @subastasolidariaxcolombia (yes, again on IG).

Thank you!


Gerade habe ich eine Wohltätigkeitsauktion zu Gunsten des kolumbianischen Volkes entdeckt - ich dachte sofort daran, ausnahmsweise mal mein „Keuschheitsgelübde“ zu brechen und einige Bilder meiner Werke, die ich für das Projekt zur Verfügung stelle, auf meinem IG-Account zu veröffentlichen.

Wo auch immer Sie wohnen, können Sie an der Auktion teilnehmen und Ihren Beitrag leisten.

Wenn Sie ein Model sind, können Sie neben meinen Drucken auch Ihr Angebot machen, eine Fotosession mit mir zu kaufen; die Session, deren Thema das Projekt "Freedom" ( sein wird, dauert einen ganzen Tag und findet am Comer See (Italien) statt.

Um ein Gebot abzugeben, kommentieren Sie meine neuesten Beiträge mit Ihrem Gebot, das das vorherige Gebot übersteigen muss:

Die Auktion endet am Sonntag, 6. Juni, um 23 Uhr (europäische Zeit).
Ich werde die Gewinner meiner Arbeiten in der folgenden Woche kontaktieren, um die Zahlungs- und Einreichungsdetails zu vereinbaren.

Sie können andere Werke bei Auktionen sehen, indem Sie dem Tag #subastasolidariaxcolombia auf IG folgen - für Details zur Verwendung der Auktionserlöse folgen Sie @subastasolidariaxcolombia (ja, wieder auf IG).

Vielen Dank!

2021-04-17 15:53 

nudeartzine volume 0

The first two issues of my project/zine are now available at

We also started a give-away for volume 2: guess the right cover and you can win a free copy – details at

Thank you for reading

2021-02-23 09:16 

nudeartzine a new magazine dedicated to nude art

We believe that nude is not porn and that anyone should be able to publish her/his images without any censorship.

Created to inspire, nudeartzine is a self-published print on-demand magazine where space is dedicated to images rather than text.
By printing on-demand we aim to keep the magazine price the less expensive possible.

We are now looking for nude imagery that aim to be art and there is plenty on STRKNG!

If you feel that your images can fit in nudeartzine, please submit your work trough our submission page:

Thank you!

*** übersetzt mit Google ***
Wir glauben, dass Akt kein Porno ist und dass jeder in der Lage sein sollte, seine Bilder ohne Zensur zu veröffentlichen.

Nudeartzine wurde entwickelt, um zu inspirieren. Es handelt sich um ein selbstveröffentlichtes Print-On-Demand-Magazin, in dem der Raum eher Bildern als Text gewidmet ist.
Durch das Drucken auf Abruf möchten wir den Zeitschriftenpreis so günstig wie möglich halten.

Wir suchen jetzt nach Aktbildern, die Kunst sein sollen, und es gibt viel auf STRKNG!

Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass Ihre Bilder in Nudeartzine passen, senden Sie Ihre Arbeit bitte über unsere Einreichungsseite:


Past Events

Archive 27.05.2020

First shooting after the COVID-19 quarantine  

Wednesday, 2020-05-27 10:00h - 18:00h

Como, Italy

Italy / Europe

After my last shooting at the beginning of March with Sara (some images somewhere in this article) I took this period to go trough many shootings I did since last autumn and prepared some post-production images that I' now publishing on my web site, instagram and, of course, here on STRKNG.

It was a moment to think about what direction to move in the future and so many good things happened; soon I will be represented by a gallery in Milan and I also started to sell some images of my dolls on auction sites.

I'm so happy it is now time to start create some new images.

Event created by ugrandolini / 2020-05-23 11:58:12

Link: Wednesday, 2020-05-27 10:00h - 18:00h / First shooting after the COVID-19 quarantine

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Archive 12.10.2019

Tribu' Ca'Dura  

The third time I'm showing some of my images this year!

Saturday, 2019-10-12 09:30h - Thursday, 2019-10-31 09:30h

Via Balla 6, Villafranca Padovana

Italy / Europe

Located in a 1800 villa, in north east Italy, this is the first exhibition of a newly created art association "Associazione Culturale CA'DURA".

You will be able to enjoy several kind of art, pairings, sculpture, ceramic and – of course – some great photography.

Showing a couple of my images, this is the third time this year I'm showing some of my images in an exhibition.

Event created by ugrandolini / 2019-10-12 09:47:56

Link: Saturday, 2019-10-12 09:30h - Thursday, 2019-10-31 09:30h / Tribu' Ca'Dura| The third time I'm showing some of my images this year!

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Archive 19.09.2019

Como nel quadrato  

Como in the square

Thursday, 2019-09-19 16:45h - Saturday, 2019-10-12 16:45h


Italy / Europe

My first personal exhibition is dedicated to my home town: Como (Italy).

A serie of 30 images, all squared and mostly in black & white where I show some details of the city thought my romantic and, sometimes, provocative point of view.

The exhibition is taking place at "Il Cortiletto", one of the most frequented cocktails bars in Como.

Event created by ugrandolini / 2019-09-14 16:59:37

Link: Thursday, 2019-09-19 16:45h - Saturday, 2019-10-12 16:45h / Como nel quadrato| Como in the square

Decency girls on top of the Cathedral / Architecture / church,monochrome,statue
Decency girls on top of the Cathedral
Tower of light / Abstract / monochrome,street
Tower of light
Exterior beauty / Street / monochrome,night,woman,eye,advertisement
Exterior beauty
IOgging / Street / monochrome,night,running,man,dark,walk,shadows
PungiCIELO / Architecture / monochrome,sky,building
Intergalactic relations / Architecture / monochrome,church,house,building,statue
Intergalactic relations
Up & Down / Street / monochrome,stairs,lake,water,pole
Up & Down
Holy Trinity / Street / monochrome,street,window,tree,shadow
Holy Trinity
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Archive 25.08.2019


Art exhibition in Venice

Sunday, 2019-08-25 11:30h - Saturday, 2019-09-14 11:30h

Villa Merati, Cannaregio 6293a, 30121 Venezia, Italy

Italy / Europe


I will exhibit for the first time in Venice during the Biennale and will shoot a live performance while a model will be body-painted by one of the participating artists (about 40 artists from different countries) – we will shoot together a series of images during the performance which will be held simultaneously with the inauguration of the exhibitions.

Palazzo Merati was the residence of Giacomo Casanova, a famous italian "playboy" of the 18th Century.

Hope to see you in Venice!

P.S. I'm looking for models for to shoot the performance that will take place on: August 31st, September 7th and October 5th 2019. If you are interested in participating the performance as a model or if you need more information about the shooting please get in touch as soon as possible through my Instagram (@ugrandolini).

Event created by ugrandolini / 2019-07-24 11:57:03

Link: Sunday, 2019-08-25 11:30h - Saturday, 2019-09-14 11:30h / SYMPHONIE DE COULEURS III – BETWEEN THE DEVIL & THE DEEP BLUE LAGOON (25/08~30/10 2019)| Art exhibition in Venice

Casanova bedroom at Palazzo Merati, Venice / Interior
Casanova bedroom at Palazzo Merati, Venice
Mood for the live performance / Nude
Mood for the live performance
The image that will be shown – 150x100 cm / Nude
The image that will be shown – 150x100 cm
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In a world where women alter their bodies trying to become perfect like dolls, I started my journey in photography by shooting with “real” dolls trying to represent them as women.

Later, I began shooting portraits with real women just to realise that they can have an “unexpressed” beauty that is not what fashion magazines propose.

My interest is not limited to a purely aesthetic, objective beauty, I always wonder about what the model is able to communicate through the lens.

The models no longer perform the role of a mere mannequin, they are no longer the soulless bodies portrayed in fashion, instead, they become characters, each interpreting their own story that they let emerge with each shot.

The “fil rouge” of my images is undoubtedly eroticism and I like to make it clear by taking specific areas of the female body, sometimes accentuating imperfections.

Each asymmetry, mole or flaw becomes the detail that gives character to the subject and, instead of diverting the attention away, I rather place it at the center of the observer’s gaze to be contemplated, admired even.

I try to tell a unique story with each image – being that a fragment of an arm, a breast or a look – to conveys the charge and strength that the woman possesses and that I try to make it eternal.

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