Photographer male / 57
Under The Bridge / Nude  photography by Photographer Marcus Bodenmann | STRKNG

Under The Bridge - © Marcus Bodenmann

Cubism / Conceptual  photography by Photographer Marcus Bodenmann | STRKNG

Cubism - © Marcus Bodenmann

Square Series N0.6 / Nude  photography by Photographer Marcus Bodenmann | STRKNG

Square Series N0.6 - © Marcus Bodenmann

Square Series No.12 / Nude  photography by Photographer Marcus Bodenmann | STRKNG

Square Series No.12 - © Marcus Bodenmann

Eve / Conceptual  photography by Photographer Marcus Bodenmann | STRKNG

Eve - © Marcus Bodenmann

Nude  photography by Photographer Marcus Bodenmann | STRKNG

- © Marcus Bodenmann

Fine Art  photography by Photographer Marcus Bodenmann | STRKNG

- © Marcus Bodenmann

Nude  photography by Photographer Marcus Bodenmann | STRKNG

- © Marcus Bodenmann

2021-03-23 10:27 

Inszenierung realisieren, Realität inszenieren

Inszenierung und Realität. Woran erkenne ich den Unterschied? Will die Inszenierung nur Realiät darstellen?

Irritation ist Zweifel an der eigenen Wahrnehmung. Gelingt es, so zu irritieren, dass der Betrachter das Bild hinterfragt?

Ist es eine Kulisse, eine Bühne? Eine Szene, die vorgibt, real zu sein?

Bühne, im Französischen "Scène".

Der Grenzbereich irritiert, fasziniert.

2020-12-15 10:20 
Square Series No.13 / Konzeptionell
Square Series No.13
Square Series No.4 / Konzeptionell
Square Series No.4

Where imagination begins

Weightlessness, gravity, up is down. The view from above, from the side, from below. Light, simultaneously and from different directions, confusing and liberating.
No matter how freely we move, matter always holds us captive. We give ourselves a framework, our field of vision is the end of the world. That is where imagination begins.

Marcus Bodenmann


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