"multiple" - photography

peterallert1 10

The German Artist & Photographer Peter Allert has made his studies of Biology-Chemistry, Technical, and Scientific-Photography at the Munich Technical University and Ludwig-Maximilian's-University...

Europe / Germany / Hamburg / Hamburg

Roberta 2

Roberta Gregorace was born in Catanzaro (Italy) in 1987. Since she was a child, she has always been attracted and inspired by Art in its multiple expressions. When she turned 9 she decided to be...

Europe / Italy

Julia Dunin Photography 1

Julia Dunin is a photographer based in Galway, Ireland. Having a vast experience in portraiture, fashion and beauty, multiple exhibitions and publications, her style is all about discovering something...

Europe / Ireland / Galway

Augusto De Luca 1

Augusto De Luca graduated in law, then became a professional photographer in the mid-1970s, working along the boundary line between traditional and experimental photography. With his style, he has...

Europe / Italy / Naples

FemalePhotoFun 1

Since stepping back as a model to spend more time behind the camera, I have been really lucky and have worked with multiple companies, first a videographer and then as a photographer as well. These...

Europe / Netherlands / Netherlands

wheel#1 / Fine Art  photography by Photographer framafo ★21 | STRKNG

wheel#1 - © framafo

wheel#2 / Fine Art  photography by Photographer framafo ★21 | STRKNG

wheel#2 - © framafo

Bustling City / Architecture  photography by Photographer goal74 ★1 | STRKNG

Bustling City - © goal74

Bruges#9 / Fine Art  photography by Photographer framafo ★21 | STRKNG

Bruges#9 - © framafo

In Camera Multiple Exposure Mime #2 / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Hutch Crane ★1 | STRKNG

In Camera Multiple Exposure Mime #2 - © Hutch Crane

Five times Miki - Blog post by Photographer Keith Brighouse / 2024-11-20 13:56
Miki No.1 / Nude / nude,female,Japanese,blackandwhite
Miki No.1
Miki No2 / Nude / nude,female,Japanese,multiple,blackandwhite
Miki No2
Miki No.3 / Nude / nude,female,Japanese,multiple,blackandwhite
Miki No.3
Miki No.4 / Nude / nude,female,Japanese,multiple,blackandwhite
Miki No.4
Miki No.5 / Nude / nude,female,Japanese,multiple,blackandwhite
Miki No.5
Exhibition poster / Nude / nude,female,japanese,poster
Exhibition poster
Working with wood – a multi-exposure ICM experiment - Blog post by Photographer John Harrop / 2024-01-01 01:29
Impressionist bench / Fine Art / ICM,wood,impressionist,multi exposure
Impressionist bench
Wooden Bench ! / Abstract / ICM,abstract,multi exposure,wood,longexposure
Wooden Bench !
Wooden Bench 2 / Abstract / wood,texture,ICM,long exposure,abstract,multi exposure
Wooden Bench 2
Bench ICM / Fine Art / ICM,bench,wood
Bench ICM
Wooden Bench 3 / Abstract / ICM,wood,bench,abstract,multi exposure
Wooden Bench 3
Wooden Bench 4 / Abstract / ICM,long exposure,abstract,multi exposure,wood,pink,shape
Wooden Bench 4
Window Trim 1 / Abstract / ICM,long exposure,multi exposure,abstract
Window Trim 1
Summer learnings of a trans woman - Blog post by Model Sophie / 2023-10-03 19:54
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summer,summervibes,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / transgender,hat,summervibes,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Stimmungen / guitar,instrument,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Mode / Beauty / summer,summervibe,countryside,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Mode / Beauty / summer,withinme,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / transgender,transwoman,trans,summer
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Stimmungen / moving,myself,sensitive,light,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summer,summervibes,transwoman,transgender
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin / Portrait / summervibes,grass,shadows,transgender,transwoman
Laura Moser # 2023 # Berlin
Gewinnspiel / Contest - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2023-01-10 15:07

Gewinnspiel / Contest

Unser kleiner Wettbewerb nähert sich dem Ende. Vergesst nicht, die Teilnehmer mit einem Kommentar zu unterstützen!

Our little competition is coming to an end. Don't forget to support the participants with a comment!

Gewinne einen zweijährigen STRKNG VIP-Account!

Um unseren neuen Feedback-Bereich etwas Leben einzuhauchen, haben wir beschlossen einen kleinen Wettbewerb zu veranstalten.
Stelle einen neuen Feedback-Beitrag in den Bereich ein und sammle bis Ende Januar die meisten qualifizierten Kommentare zu deinem Beitrag:
Als qualifizierter Kommentar zählt eine konstruktive Kritik, ein "tolles Bild" oder "gefällt mir / nicht" ohne Begründung reicht also nicht.


Teilnehmen können alle regisitrierten Mitglieder mit einem aktiven STRKNG-Portfolio, die einen oder mehrere Feedback-Beiträge im Januar 2023 einstellen (Start 10.1.2023 15h). Es gewinnt der Beitrag (bzw. dessen Besitzer/in) mit den meisten qualifizierten Kommentaren. Mehrfachkommentare einer Person bei einem Beitrag werden als ein Kommentar gezählt. Veranstalter sind wir, siehe Impressum.

Zu gewinnen gibt es eine zweijährige VIP-Mitgliedschaft (https://strkng.com/de/govip) im Wert von 84,- EUR. Der Gewinn kann auch als Gutschein verschenkt werden. Eine Barauszahlung ist nicht möglich und der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.

Win a 2 year STRKNG VIP account!

To breathe some life into our new feedback section, we decided to hold a little competition.
Post a new feedback post in the section and collect the most qualified comments on your post by the end of January:
Constructive criticism counts as a qualified comment, so a "great picture" or "I like / dislike" without justification is not enough.

Conditions of participation:

All registered members with an active STRKNG portfolio who post one or more feedback posts in January 2023 (start 10.1.2023 3pm) can participate. The post (or its owner) with the most qualified comments wins. Multiple comments by one person on a post are counted as one comment. We are the organizers, see imprint.

You can win a two-year VIP membership (https://strkng.com/en/govip) worth EUR 84. The prize can also be given away as a voucher. A cash payment is not possible and legal action is excluded.
Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch - Blog post by Photographer Curtis Joe Walker / 2021-06-03 03:41
» #1/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
» #2/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
» #3/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
» #4/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
» #5/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
» #6/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
» #7/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
» #8/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
» #9/9 « / Double Exposures with Contortionist BendItLikeBirch / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/curtis+joe+walker/">Photographer Curtis Joe Walker</a> / 2021-06-03 03:41 / Instant Film
Double Exposures w/ Anaïs Dior - Blog post by Photographer Curtis Joe Walker / 2021-05-23 03:55
Instax nude Portrait / Instant Film / instax,nude
Instax nude Portrait
The Queen of Hearts / Instant Film / instax,double exposure,beauty,glamour,female,model,eyes,monochrome,instant film,lomography
The Queen of Hearts
Footsteps through my mind / Instant Film / feet,instax,film,instant,analog,barefoot,lomography,monochrome
Footsteps through my mind
High Heeled Leg Monster / Instant Film / legs,shoes,instax,instant film,double exposure,lomography,surreal
High Heeled Leg Monster
Front Butt / Instant Film / film,instax,double exposure,ass,boobs,butt,tits,breast,nude,naked,woman,model
Front Butt
Triple Nipple / Instant Film / double exposure,tits,boobs,naked,nude,film,analog,instax
Triple Nipple
Two-faced / Instant Film / instax,film,analog,model,portrait
Total Recall / Instant Film / boobs,tits,breast,double exposure,film,analog,surreal,nude,topless,model,woman,nipple,fuji,skin
Total Recall
Wild in the sheets, classy in the streets / Instant Film / monochrome,film,dress,model,shoes,woman,instax,double exposure
Wild in the sheets, classy in the streets


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