"milano" - photography

Cristiana Zamboni 10

Fotografa e pittrice predilige il ritratto ed ama sperimentare con la luce. Dal 2020 la fotografia è diventata il suo linguaggio principale.

Europe / Italy / Milano

Alice Dicembrino 6

I was born in Milan in 1995, I started using photography at eighteen as a self-taught, then I graduated in Painting and Visual Arts at NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts) in Milan. My work is based on...

Europe / Italy / Milano

Ralph Gräf 5

In fall 2006, my scientific career as a cell biologist brought me from Munich to Potsdam near Berlin. Photography has escorted me through my whole adulthood. Yet, it was my move to Potsdam that...

Europe / Germany / Brandenburg / Potsdam

Robertino Radovix 6

I like to travel and portray the people of the world. I love photography in all its expressions!

Europe / Italy / MILANO

Renato Buontempo 2

Addicted to beauty and photography compulsive, I am a part-time photographer. Devoted to vintage, I use to work in my studio, where I love to create ambients and scenery. With some experience in...

Europe / Italy / Milano

The Smoker / Street  photography by Photographer Deborah Sarah Drexler | STRKNG

The Smoker - © Deborah Sarah Drexler

Milano 2019 / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer Projektfeed ★10 | STRKNG

Milano 2019 - © Projektfeed

Reflection / Street  photography by Photographer Deborah Sarah Drexler | STRKNG

Reflection - © Deborah Sarah Drexler

Prada Foundation / Architecture  photography by Photographer Simone ★1 | STRKNG

Prada Foundation - © Simone

Galeria V. Emanuele II / People  photography by Model ach_guck_ma ★3 | STRKNG

Galeria V. Emanuele II - © ach_guck_ma

Waiting / Street  photography by Photographer Deborah Sarah Drexler | STRKNG

Waiting - © Deborah Sarah Drexler


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