Surreales Selbstporträt, inspiriert von René Magritte. - © Franz Hein
"Photography is not about the perfect picture for me. I am looking for the aesthetics of reality - in its real and unadorned form." - Benedikt Ernst Benedikt Ernst, born in Aachen in...
Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Köln
ARTIST STATEMENT Feeling the image before understanding it: To use the language of photography as little as possible. Only its most basic formalities are sufficient. Nothing must lack poverty. To...
North America / United States of America / California / Los Angeles/California/U.S.A.
Alessandra Favetto is a self-taught fine art photographer, visual and surreal artist. Born in Italy, working and living in Spain, since 2005. Her style is true, passionate and very emotional. In...
For me, at first glance, the technical quality of a photograph is not the most vital thing; it is the transported feeling and interpretation layer of a captured moment. After 6 years of digital...
es ist der moment des augenblicks der durch ein foto für immer verewigt wird. ein moment voller emotionen der dem betrachter spielraum zur interpretatoin lassen soll. tauche ein in meinen spielraum...
Europe / Germany / Kalchreuth
I live in the southern part of Poland - which undoubtedly influences the subject of my photographic works. I've been involved in photography since I can remember. My photographs have been published in...
Surreales Selbstporträt, inspiriert von René Magritte. - © Franz Hein
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