In fine art photography, photography is used as a means of artistic expression. Fine art photography, also known as art photography, refers to a form of photography where the goal is to create artistic works. It is not primarily about making documentary or journalistic photographs, but rather about creating works of art that convey a certain message or statement. Modern fine art photography, also known as contemporary art photography or modern art photography, often employs new techniques and materials to create unique and individual works of art. Overall, fine art photography is a specialized form of art photography that is often practiced by artists or performers and blurs the boundaries between photography and art.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
Hello, my name is Dan. I‘m an analogue photographer from Germany. Sometimes I'm a Wizard but most of the time I’m not.
Hello Im Kaya,freelance model from Ukraine. I like natural,sensual and nude styles. You can contact if you are interested to work with me and we will discuss conditions...
Für meine Art der Fotografie steht der Mensch im Vordergrund. Es erfordert keine tiefen theoretischen Fachkenntnisse, vielmehr ist es die Art und Weise mit Menschen umzugehen und zu kommunizieren....