Formofadrop 11

I'm deeply convinced that Art, in general, is absolutely deprived of any variety of forms. It is just a one single Form, created rather by nature as the last immutable state. Seen and stuck forever...

Europe / Netherlands / Amsterdam

Nasos Karabelas 17

Nasos Karabelas is a fine art photographer and film director based in Thessaloniki, Greece. He was born in 1992 in Pyrgos, Greece. He started dealing with photography the last seven years and he has...

Europe / Greece / Thessaloniki

Frank Pudel 12

... der fortwährende Versuch, Atmosphären, Stimmungen, Emotionen einzufangen, und sie visuell zu transportieren. Schwarzweiss fördert die Konzentration auf das Wesentliche. Oft scheitert man,...

Europe / Germany / Sachsen-Anhalt / Magdeburg