"encounter" - photography

Benedetta Falugi 12

Benedetta Falugi is an independent photographer living in Tuscany. Her introduction to photography came about almost by chance, but the encounter was dazzling and her participation in it has been ever...

Europe / Italy / Follonica

Pierre Pellegrini 4

Born on September 7, 1968, in Sorengo, Switzerland After having gone in for architectural design, I realized my dream becoming a physical education teacher. During my professional development, I...

Europe / Switzerland / Aldesago

Jörg Bongartz 2

Ich stelle den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt meiner Fotografie und möchte die Zeit der Bildentstehung bewußt genießen. Mein Ziel sind starke, gefühlsbetonte Bilder, die die Schönheit einer Person,...

Europe / Germany / Bühl

Jan de Vries

Photography is my hobby and my passion and also an escape from my job. I started taking pictures as a child, bought my first analog camera at the age of 14 and used to photograph mainly landscape. I...

Europe / Germany / Bremen / Bremen

Nigel Maudsley

Nigel Maudsley is a Brighton based free-lance photographer and artist whose work explores representations of sexuality, the body and identity. His work crosses many genres such as portraiture,...

Europe / United Kingdom / Brighton


Hello everybody! I'm a hobbyist photographer. It all started with life drawing sessions. I was never able to finish and often I had to take pictures and finish my drawings later based on...

Europe / United Kingdom / London

Encounter / Creative edit  photography by Photographer Amanda ★3 | STRKNG

Encounter - © Amanda

Remote Encounter / Nude  photography by Photographer Ewald Vorberg ★4 | STRKNG

Remote Encounter - © Ewald Vorberg
Ivory Flame | Cariad Celis

strange encounter / Portrait  photography by Model VTNA ★11 | STRKNG

strange encounter - © VTNA
Patrick Citera

Close encounters / Night  photography by Photographer Jarek Januszewski ★2 | STRKNG

Close encounters - © Jarek Januszewski

NO! / Street  photography by Photographer xprssnst ★1 | STRKNG

NO! - © xprssnst

encounter / Nude  photography by Photographer Daniel Pufe ★1 | STRKNG

encounter - © Daniel Pufe

Josè Garcia, artesan master in Oaxaca - Blog post by Photographer Alex Coghe / 2021-11-04 17:44
Maestro Josè Garcia 1 / Portrait / mexico,oaxaca,portrait,man
Maestro Josè Garcia 1
Maestro Josè Garcia 2 / Portrait / mexico,oaxaca,man,portrait
Maestro Josè Garcia 2
Maestro Josè Garcia 3 / Portrait / mexico,oaxaca,portrait,man
Maestro Josè Garcia 3
Staircase Encounter - Blog post by Photographer constantYearing / 2021-10-18 20:57
Staircase Encounter / Nude
Staircase Encounter
Staircase Encounter / Nude
Staircase Encounter
Staircase Encounter / Nude
Staircase Encounter
Staircase Encounter / Portrait
Staircase Encounter
Staircase Encounter / Portrait
Staircase Encounter
Staircase Encounter / Nude
Staircase Encounter
Staircase Encounter / Portrait
Staircase Encounter
Staircase Encounter / Nude
Staircase Encounter
Staircase Encounter / Nude
Staircase Encounter
A rough place - Blog post by Photographer Alex Coghe / 2021-07-15 17:05
Plaza Meave 1 / Street / streetphotography,mexico,city,rough,place
Plaza Meave 1
Plaza Meave 2 / Street / streetphotography,mexico,city,rough,place
Plaza Meave 2
Plaza Meave 3 / Street / streetphotography,mexico,city,rough,place
Plaza Meave 3
Plaza Meave 4 / Street / streetphotography,mexico,city,rough,place
Plaza Meave 4
Maria - Blog post by Photographer constantYearing / 2021-01-01 23:01
Maria / Mode / Beauty
Maria / Mode / Beauty
forest encounter - Blog post by Model la fleur de la nuit / 2019-09-06 13:10
» #1/7 « / forest encounter / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2019-09-06 13:10
» #2/7 « / forest encounter / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2019-09-06 13:10
» #3/7 « / forest encounter / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2019-09-06 13:10
» #4/7 « / forest encounter / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2019-09-06 13:10
» #5/7 « / forest encounter / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2019-09-06 13:10
» #6/7 « / forest encounter / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2019-09-06 13:10
» #7/7 « / forest encounter / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2019-09-06 13:10


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