"breath" - photography

Moga Alexandru 10

I am Moga…and I’m a self-taught artist. I was born in Sibiu/Hermannstadt, in the center of Romania, in 1981, and I had a free childhood. I have the privilege to live by the forest, where I’m...

Europe / Romania / Sibiu

Jaya Suberg 8

When mysticism breathes .. light darkArt When the yearning embraces us, we know of the sweet pain that does not want to be released. Jaya Suberg draws us under the surface of all assumptions in...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

GM Sacco 3

My statement is perfectly summarized by Castaneda's Don Juan: “For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that has heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile...

Europe / Italy / Torino


VERA CARLOTTO is a senior Brazilian visual artist in photography . She teaches photography at the Rio Grande do Sul Art Museum - RS - Brazil. In 2012, he held his first solo show called...

South America / Brazil / Porto Alegre

P T F P 1

WASSUP! We are Carisse and Benjamin Urquhart Husband and wife, visual storytellers, and lovers of all things love. We live and breathe photography. It's in our spirits and blood. Our...

Oceania / Australia

I could hear the breath and stayed there / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

I could hear the breath and stayed there - © BeHa_ART_Photography

Take Me Somewhere I Can Breathe / Waterscapes  photography by Photographer Mångata ★2 | STRKNG

Take Me Somewhere I Can Breathe - © Mångata

Breathtaker / Black and White  photography by Model Anna Ivanova ★1 | STRKNG

Breathtaker - © Anna Ivanova

Breathless with Min / Action  photography by Photographer Alex Gundlak | STRKNG

Breathless with Min - © Alex Gundlak

You are a breathing thing. / Nude  photography by Photographer PJ Wang ★2 | STRKNG

You are a breathing thing. - © PJ Wang

Models & Magic - Blog post by Photographer Clint / 2024-07-14 03:47
» #1/4 « / Models &amp; Magic / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/clint/">Photographer Clint</a> / 2024-07-14 03:47
» #2/4 « / Models &amp; Magic / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/clint/">Photographer Clint</a> / 2024-07-14 03:47
» #3/4 « / Models &amp; Magic / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/clint/">Photographer Clint</a> / 2024-07-14 03:47
» #4/4 « / Models &amp; Magic / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/clint/">Photographer Clint</a> / 2024-07-14 03:47
The Drink - Blog post by Model Sophie / 2024-04-21 20:31
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin / Mode / Beauty / retro,twenties,retromodel
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin  / Mode / Beauty / retro
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin  / Mode / Beauty / retro
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin  / retro
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin  / Mode / Beauty / retro
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin  / Mode / Beauty / retro
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin  / Mode / Beauty / retro
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin  / Mode / Beauty / retro
Andreas Neu # 2024 # Berlin
Meerweh! - Blog post by Photographer simone.rindlisbacher / 2023-08-17 14:52
Meerweh I / Portrait
Meerweh I
Meerweh II / Menschen
Meerweh II
Meerweh III / Portrait
Meerweh III
Meerweh IV / Stimmungen
Meerweh IV
Meerweh V / Menschen
Meerweh V
Meerweh VI / Portrait
Meerweh VI
Meerweh VII / Stimmungen
Meerweh VII
Meerweh VIII / Portrait
Meerweh VIII
Eingekerkert - Blog post by Photographer Andreas Ebner / 2023-06-20 17:38
moving / Stimmungen / stimmungen,emotion,dread,lostplace,nude
ajar / Stimmungen / stimmungen,nude,lostplace,dreadlook,pain
sleepless sleeping / Stimmungen / stimmungen,emotional,nude,lostplace,dreadlook
sleepless sleeping
leaned back / Stimmungen / stimmungen,lostplace,dreadlook,emotional,dread
leaned back
bold / Stimmungen / stimmungen,emotion,naked,dreadlook,lostplace
crouched / Stimmungen / stimmungen,emotion,nude,dreadlook,lostplace
rejected / Stimmungen / stimmungen,emotion,nude,dreadlook,lostplace
reared up / Stimmungen / stimmungen,lostplace,dread,nude,gefühle
reared up
lost in the mirror / Stimmungen / stimmungen,emotion,lostplace,mirror,nude
lost in the mirror
Gewinnspiel / Contest - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2023-01-10 15:07

Gewinnspiel / Contest

Unser kleiner Wettbewerb nähert sich dem Ende. Vergesst nicht, die Teilnehmer mit einem Kommentar zu unterstützen!

Our little competition is coming to an end. Don't forget to support the participants with a comment!

Gewinne einen zweijährigen STRKNG VIP-Account!

Um unseren neuen Feedback-Bereich etwas Leben einzuhauchen, haben wir beschlossen einen kleinen Wettbewerb zu veranstalten.
Stelle einen neuen Feedback-Beitrag in den Bereich ein und sammle bis Ende Januar die meisten qualifizierten Kommentare zu deinem Beitrag:
Als qualifizierter Kommentar zählt eine konstruktive Kritik, ein "tolles Bild" oder "gefällt mir / nicht" ohne Begründung reicht also nicht.


Teilnehmen können alle regisitrierten Mitglieder mit einem aktiven STRKNG-Portfolio, die einen oder mehrere Feedback-Beiträge im Januar 2023 einstellen (Start 10.1.2023 15h). Es gewinnt der Beitrag (bzw. dessen Besitzer/in) mit den meisten qualifizierten Kommentaren. Mehrfachkommentare einer Person bei einem Beitrag werden als ein Kommentar gezählt. Veranstalter sind wir, siehe Impressum.

Zu gewinnen gibt es eine zweijährige VIP-Mitgliedschaft (https://strkng.com/de/govip) im Wert von 84,- EUR. Der Gewinn kann auch als Gutschein verschenkt werden. Eine Barauszahlung ist nicht möglich und der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.

Win a 2 year STRKNG VIP account!

To breathe some life into our new feedback section, we decided to hold a little competition.
Post a new feedback post in the section and collect the most qualified comments on your post by the end of January:
Constructive criticism counts as a qualified comment, so a "great picture" or "I like / dislike" without justification is not enough.

Conditions of participation:

All registered members with an active STRKNG portfolio who post one or more feedback posts in January 2023 (start 10.1.2023 3pm) can participate. The post (or its owner) with the most qualified comments wins. Multiple comments by one person on a post are counted as one comment. We are the organizers, see imprint.

You can win a two-year VIP membership (https://strkng.com/en/govip) worth EUR 84. The prize can also be given away as a voucher. A cash payment is not possible and legal action is excluded.
Naked Flat - Blog post by Photographer Walter Eckardt / 2022-04-08 12:20
entering  / Nude / Nudeart,dancing,performance,color
crawl / Nude / nudeart,dance,performance
watch out / Nude / nudeart,dancing,performance,color
watch out
curtain / Nude / nudeart,dancing,performance,color
up / Nude / nudeart,dancing,performance,color
four / Nude / nudeart,dancing,performance,color
step / Nude / nudeart,dancing,performance,color
wall / Nude / nudeart,dancing,performance,color
bow / Nude / Nudeart,dancing,performance,color


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