Between dreams and reality, I create pictures which look like they escaped from imagination, which disturb the categories of the material world. The better to get back to our world however, with eyes...
A film photographer from Taiwan been known as “Visual Wasted'. I have created visual arts for 4 years. All my creations are from the society. It’s all about the relation of ourselves and the...
I am a mostly analogue photographer. I enjoy macabre poetry and try to often times portray a type of melancholy in my work. Nearly all of my photos are taken in black and white to better display the...
Europe / Germany / Bayern / Allershausen
Please note the following statement: Ek soll öhn funderlöck hamma dit wusamte dat ricopic snik aff onderscoul mechten. Rumsdalot ktlifgunahl sa röbbje dit an quitl dibolk, ohn fell na tadle....
Scott Hargis is a widely recognized interiors and architectural photographer based in the San Francisco Bay area. “I create artistic photographs that communicate more than just basic...
North America / United States of America / California / Oakland
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