Overview | Images | Trend Photographers | Trend Models | New level

The STRKNG ranking is calculated every hour on the basis of a lot of data. See also FAQ on this page.

The key point for the previous ranking is the Friday of the week.

With the links above you can see which pictures and participants are currently trending and which participants have switched to a higher level in one or more of their subject areas in the last few days.

The following graphics show exemplary participant ranking changes in the subject areas of the last few days with comparatively large fluctuations.
The reason for a sudden sag is usually the deletion of a well-rated image from the subject area.
The reason for a continuous rise is the upload of strong images in the subject area.

Gemeinsame Zukunft / Wedding  photography by Photographer xprssnst ★1 | STRKNG

Gemeinsame Zukunft - © xprssnst

Clouds over the dune / Nature  photography by Photographer xprssnst ★1 | STRKNG

Clouds over the dune - © xprssnst

S A N D R A / Black and White  photography by Photographer Holger Orf ★7 | STRKNG

S A N D R A - © Holger Orf

Mahsa / Black and White  photography by Photographer Mehdi Mokhtari ★15 | STRKNG

Mahsa - © Mehdi Mokhtari

The man in the frame / Architecture  photography by Photographer Arezoo Arianpour ★3 | STRKNG

The man in the frame - © Arezoo Arianpour

The Gift / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Mike Brown ★5 | STRKNG

The Gift - © Mike Brown

ati / Black and White  photography by Photographer sepide fakhar ★2 | STRKNG

ati - © sepide fakhar

Air bridge / Street  photography by Photographer Picwhite | STRKNG

Air bridge - © Picwhite

shadi / Portrait  photography by Photographer nazila sazgar ★6 | STRKNG

shadi - © nazila sazgar

Nude art / Nude  photography by Model lucy dumus ★3 | STRKNG

Nude art - © lucy dumus

Seduction / Portrait  photography by Model Aurora ★8 | STRKNG

Seduction - © Aurora
Marc B

Soft Feeling / Fine Art  photography by Model Artemisia Absinthium ★1 | STRKNG

Soft Feeling - © Artemisia Absinthium

Artemis Dominatrix / Black and White  photography by Model Artemisia Absinthium ★1 | STRKNG

Artemis Dominatrix - © Artemisia Absinthium

Portrait  photography by Model Di ★18 | STRKNG

- © Di

Liegend mit Zwei Bällen / Nude  photography by Model Artemisia Absinthium ★1 | STRKNG

Liegend mit Zwei Bällen - © Artemisia Absinthium

Jump / Nude  photography by Model Kathi-Hannah ★17 | STRKNG

Jump - © Kathi-Hannah

Nude  photography by Model May ★5 | STRKNG

- © May

Nude  photography by Model Jott ★46 | STRKNG

- © Jott
Martin Neuhof


Beside stars, bookmarks, blog- and imagevotings it is very important that influential people (with a high ranking) like your work.
Is also very good, if you're named as participants in other image that shows that your work is also used.

Levels are a dynamic grouping of portfolios by rank.
They break down as follows:

Figure: Distribution of portfolio levelsFigure: Distribution of portfolio levels

A ranking within a topic area is only created when there are enough participants.
We consider the overall ranking and the ranking within a specialized topic area of the participant separately. The overall ranking is not published.
The current ranking is calculated at longer intervals. The difference to the last time always relates to the weekly value on Friday.

Each participant has a limited number of that they can distribute anonymously to the best pictures, photographers and models.
The should only be distributed to the top participants and best works and can be withdrawn and redistributed at any time.
The distribution of the has a decisive influence on the overall ranking.

The symbol only appears from 10 stars above a portfolio image.
The statistics provide information on the composition of the origin of the stars.

We look at the overall ranking and ranking within a category separately using the portfolio level, see also further above.

Figure: Distribution of portfolio levelsFigure: Distribution of portfolio levels
Figure: Example of statisticsFigure: Example of statistics

Interpretation aid of the example

11.5% of the stars came from participants with level .
This corresponds to the normal distribution (~ 10%).

General experts like this image.

19.2% of the stars came from participants with level from the category of the image.
This corresponds to an above-average distribution.
Almost half (total 38.5%) of the star ratings from the category comes from the top level.

The image appeals to the category participants of the level very much.

19.2% of the stars came from participants with level .
This corresponds to the normal distribution (~ 20%).

With the category participants also ( 20% from 38.5% = 7.7% ).

The participants with level like the image.

50% of the stars came from participants with level .
This corresponds to an above-average distribution (> 30%).
On the other site the category participants with level seem not to like the image that much.

19.2% of the stars came from guests and beginners of STRKNG.
This corresponds to a below average distribution (<40%).

The same applies to the category participants ( 20% of 38.5% = 7.7% ).

The image is not so much liked at this level.

38.5% of the stars came from category participants.

This is a considerable size for this category, which is not so strongly represented on STRKNG.

Our conclusion:
»The image is a real treat for connoisseurs of the subject.
Muggles cannot get so much out of the image.«


  • VIP users can view these statistics in their dashboard for their own pictures from the first star to understand the effect of their images on the target groups.
  • The participant portfolios remain without statistics for their own presentation.

Use the to bookmark inspiring work, or to follow the work of a specific participants.
The distribution of has a slight influence on the overall ranking.

A contingent of / can be assigned every day . It renews itself. This has a slight influence on the overall ranking.