"hand" - Fotografie

marc von martial 99

Handcrafted photography and finearts. I primarily shoot on film, experimenting a lot with alternative processes and alternative printing. If you are interested in working with me just drop me a...

Europa / Deutschland / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Siegburg

Vivienne B 33

My works are influenced by Italy’s rich artistic heritage, painting and culture. Each shot is designed around the subject’s face, and it’s full of references to painting and art history. I love...

Europa / Italien / Turin

Lee Acaster 38

Keen amateur photographer based in East Anglia. Landscapes are my passion but I like to try my hand at most things. International Garden Photographer of the Year 2016 - Overall Winner / Trees &...

Europa / Großbritannien / Wortham

Stephan Joachim 19

Mein Leben begann in den Sechzigern in Deutschland, als Sohn meiner Mutter, Dr. Jenny Schmidt-Kuhn, einer Ärztin, und meines Vaters, Gottfried Johannes Schmidt, eines Pfarrers und Seelsorgers. Meine...

Europa / Deutschland / Hessen / Wiesbaden

Projektfeed 10

Royal Academy of Arts The Hague Independent artist with atelier at the Alte Handelsschule in Leipzig. Second base CGN!

Europa / Deutschland / Leipzig

David Aimone 7

Featured in Model Society Issue #17: https://www.modelsociety.academy/model-society-magazine-17 I love to work with natural light, to find the beauty in subjects from people to landscapes. I am...

Nordamerika / Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika / New York / Saratoga Springs

Maren W. 8

Hi, ich bin Maren und komme von der Ostsee, lebe aber seit einigen Jahren nordwestlich von München. Beim Fotografieren mag ich beides - vor und hinter der Kamera. Sofern nicht anders angegeben sind...

Europa / Deutschland / Bayern / München

Bartholomäus Wischnewski 42

CEXN is a label that is reaching beyond fashion to costuming art and that has developed a unique style of divine beauty hand in hand with its disruption. Using unusual materials crafted into organic...

Europa / Deutschland / Rheinland-Pfalz / Mainz

Angélini Candice 24

Candice Angélini is a french hatdesigner. She creates sculpted headdresses. Her work is inspired by tribal art. She see these pieces as Ex-Voto and magical items. Each element of her...

Europa / Frankreich

Schichten... / Kreativ  Fotografie von Fotografin Claudy B. ★54 | STRKNG

Schichten... - © Claudy B.

feel numb / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf Andreas Puhl ★106 | STRKNG

feel numb - © Andreas Puhl

Power / Abstrakt  Fotografie von Fotografin Bianca Serena Truzzi ★65 | STRKNG

Power - © Bianca Serena Truzzi

The Artist's Hands - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Keith Brighouse / 07.02.2025 12:19
» #1/3 « / The Artist&#039;s Hands / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/keith+brighouse/">Fotograf Keith Brighouse</a> / 07.02.2025 12:19 / Performance / artisthands,nude,female,Japanese
» #2/3 « / The Artist&#039;s Hands / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/keith+brighouse/">Fotograf Keith Brighouse</a> / 07.02.2025 12:19 / Performance / nude,artisthands,female,Japanese
» #3/3 « / The Artist&#039;s Hands / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/keith+brighouse/">Fotograf Keith Brighouse</a> / 07.02.2025 12:19 / Performance / artisthands,nude,female,Japanese
The Archive Reveals All - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Clint / 03.01.2025 11:04
» #1/4 « / The Archive Reveals All / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/clint/">Fotograf Clint</a> / 03.01.2025 11:04
» #2/4 « / The Archive Reveals All / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/clint/">Fotograf Clint</a> / 03.01.2025 11:04
» #3/4 « / The Archive Reveals All / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/clint/">Fotograf Clint</a> / 03.01.2025 11:04
» #4/4 « / The Archive Reveals All / Blog-Beitrag von <a href="https://strkng.com/de/fotograf/clint/">Fotograf Clint</a> / 03.01.2025 11:04


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