"victor bezrukov" - photography

Victor Bezrukov 6

I’m Victor Bezrukov – Israel based Unplugged Freelance Photographer, IT specialist and Information Security consultant. I was involved into photography by my son in 2005 and passed not...

Asia / Israel / Telaviv

flying kid / People  photography by Photographer Victor Bezrukov ★6 | STRKNG

flying kid - © Victor Bezrukov

can see the music / People  photography by Photographer Victor Bezrukov ★6 | STRKNG

can see the music - © Victor Bezrukov

running with clouds / Black and White  photography by Photographer Victor Bezrukov ★6 | STRKNG

running with clouds - © Victor Bezrukov

flying kids / People  photography by Photographer Victor Bezrukov ★6 | STRKNG

flying kids - © Victor Bezrukov

Jerusalem street walker / Black and White  photography by Photographer Victor Bezrukov ★6 | STRKNG

Jerusalem street walker - © Victor Bezrukov

faceless / Black and White  photography by Photographer Victor Bezrukov ★6 | STRKNG

faceless - © Victor Bezrukov

Editors' Selection - #43 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2020-07-02 18:24

Editors' Selection - #43

100 striking images · 26.05.2019 - 04.08.2019

Cover: »Italian Ladies« © Ralf Scherer

Many thanks to the contributors
//pawel szvmanski// maitland newvork· =★=· acr· ailatan_engel· aldus different-breed· alissa lüpke· andreas jorns· andy komoll· anna försterling· bcb karim· bielefoto· black forest tintype· chris w. braunschweiger· christophe_staelens· cottel sébastien· daniel· daniel.nartschick· dennis weber photography· dewframe· dietmar bouge· dirk rohra· elvira kolerova· falko matte· felix wesch· filthy wizard· foret.noire· formofadrop· frank buttenbender· frida fotografie· ganesh devarajan· gioacchino dell erba· grethemabon· günter fauser· gutenbild· hans keim· herz.mensch.fotografie· holger nitschke· jacky-fotos· jacob waak· jd-fotodesign· jessica drew· joachim alt· jörg oestreich· julian_v_photo· julie· julien jegat· kai mueller· karl-heinz weege· la bestia incontrolable· lagowski_photo· lara wilde· londoncoffee3· louisfernandezphotography.com· luciano corti· luminea· lwr.photography· lysann· mahamaya· mark shaar· melloncollie· mg-lichtmaler· michael grube· miss souls· mukti echwantono (illdispose)· nasos karabelas· noctis_legato· oleggewie· oz john· paul neugebauer· peculiar.mind· peter kächele· peter michaelis· peyman naderi· purity.control· ralf scherer· ralph derksen fotografie· rené greiner fotografie· renée nesca· reni weber· ricopic· robert haudek· robert nowotny· roman dejon· ronald wanke· sabine fischer· sandra doornbos· sergey sivushkin· sophie.srm· streetsixtysix· thomas ringhofer· ugrandolini· urs gerber· verosparadise· victor bezrukov
Blog post by  STRKNG / 2017-11-17 15:50
Editors' Selection - #16

100 striking images / 2016-10-10 - 2016-11-19

Cover »TOM« © sollenaphotography

Many thanks to the contributors!
@nycdp· adina salome h.· alexander hauck photography· alexander hufenbach photography· alva marleen· alyz· amelie· ana lora· andrea passon· andreas jorns· andreas puhl· andrey merschiy· andy lee· asgy photography· au-contraire photography· axel j. scherer· bảo· catered· christoph ruhrmann· corwin von kuhwede· da fárago· dan photography· daniel rosse· dorotheya· dunkelgrau.fotografie· ecd.2· elisa scascitelli· evangelia· gabienne· heike zanini· herr merzi· igor b. glik· ioannis (yiannis) samaras· jaya suberg· jo grabowski· john-erik· jonica· julie· julie de waroquier· katja kemnitz· kerstin hojka fotografie· kevin salcedo· lichtweisend· lilelu· linda lena blanka· londoncoffee3· luca coculo· lucy marti· magdalena franczuk· manja peeters· marc von martial· margaux· margot· marilla muriel· martin röhr· martina civardi· michael färber photography· michalina wozniak· nakiesheri· namo-modelpage· obiwolf· odin . timo karnatz· pafphoto· paolobarzman· phạm anh tú· pixelworx· r j poole - the anima series· r. chamber photography· rafael scheidle· raimundl79· ralf v. leoprechting· raschfoto.de· robert hutinski· ronny· roofs of neukoelln· rot, resa· rova design· sandra herber· sebastian freitag· sermon fortapelsson· sollenaphotography· stefania sammarro· susanna· thibault roland· thomas füngerlings· thomas gauck· thomas maenz· tom silent fotografie· vanessa conway· victor bezrukov· victor hamke· victoria lo.· vivienne b· wiktor franko· zwischensequenz


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