"trade" - photography

framafo 21

Frank Machalowski is a German award winning photographic artist and photographer, who lives and work in Berlin. After studying economic studies in Berlin and applying himself to various trades he...

Europe / Germany / Sachsen / Leipzig

Nicholas Freeman 13

Los Angeles based commercial photographer Nicholas Freeman blends technical mastery with creative vision in a bold, graphic, modern style. Nicholas has created imagery for some of the biggest fashion...

North America / United States of America / California / Los Angeles

Tempus Fugit Photo 9

moin moin & hello! my name is magnus, living in cologne, germany and loving photography. working as a radiologist by trade monochrome imaging is a huge part of my life. to get more creative...

Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Köln

anton_plotnik_off 4

Multi-Awarded portrait & fashion photographer. In 2021, was included in the top 10 portrait photographer of Hasselblad Masters. Studied with Igor Sakharov in St. Petersburg. Emotional and...

Europe / Russian Federation (E) / Orenburg

MADtography 1

I'm a professional photoartist from Berlin, Germany. I like to do creative stuff and make everything on my own, whereas it's MakeUp, Bodypainting, retouching or photographing.. like an Jack of All...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Florian Selig 1

Architektur- Reportage und Reprographie Photos für Immobilien Exposé, Geschäftsberichte, Social Media, Print, Commercial, Kunstkataloge Dokumentationen: Trade Shows, Congress, Convention,...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Irina 2

I'm a versatile model who is very comfortable in her own skin with lots of ideas and professional attitude. I'm specialized with art nude project but I also work with pleasure for fashion, beauty...

Europe / Madrid

One World Trade Center. / Architecture  photography by Photographer Thibault ROLAND ★5 | STRKNG

One World Trade Center. - © Thibault ROLAND

Trade / Street  photography by Photographer passionpictures ★1 | STRKNG

Trade - © passionpictures

Sebastiao Salgado. Genesis: Trade Edition

Sebastiao Salgado. Genesis: Trade Edition

Sebastião Salgados **Genesis** ist eine beeindruckende Hommage an die unberührte Schönheit unseres Planeten. Über acht Jahre bereiste Salgado die entlegensten Orte der Erde, um die Natur, Tiere und indigene Kulturen in atemberaubenden Schwarz-Weiß-Bildern festzuhalten. Mit einer meisterhaften Technik, die an klassische Kunst erinnert, zeigt er Wüsten, Gletscher, Vulkane und Urwälder sowie isolierte Völker wie die Zo'é in Brasilien oder die Nenzen am Polarkreis.

Das Werk verbindet Salgados Liebe zur Natur, geprägt durch seine brasilianische Kindheit, mit seinem sozialen Engagement. Es ist eine visuelle Liebeserklärung und ein dringender Appell, die verbliebenen unberührten Gebiete der Erde zu schützen. **Genesis** erinnert uns an die Zerbrechlichkeit und den Wert unserer Welt, deren ursprüngliche Schönheit noch fast zur Hälfte erhalten ist – eine kraftvolle Mahnung für uns und kommende Generationen.
DIY Film Photography // Colour Film Developed in Coffee - Blog post by Photographer mserinkaya / 2023-01-20 14:29
behind the times, ahead of the game / Alternative Process / mediumformat
behind the times, ahead of the game
celebiler / Black and White / caffenol,120film,homedeveloped
cincin / Black and White
kissed by the winter sun / Black and White / b&w,filmphotography,mediumformat,caffenol,homedeveloped
kissed by the winter sun
kedi / Alternative Process / analogue,filmphotography,mediumformat,120film,6x6
off season / Black and White
off season
tepedeki / Black and White
tepede / Alternative Process
the garden gnome / Alternative Process
the garden gnome


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