"suits" - photography

ray gray 18

Minimal or no makeup, natural lighting. No cliché AI faces. Simple landscapes with no screaming angles, overdone skies and saturations; snow instead. All that glitters is not gold. You'll see...

Europe / Italy

BeHa_ART_Photography 3

I'm looking! How it all started: It was in the wonderful month of May 1972, when I saw the first light in my life. It was also loud, hectic and very bright! Headlight-like, I was flashed...

Europe / Germany / Sachsen / Leipzig

Eric Frey 6

My work is definitely marked by a minimalist aspect. It’s more about expressesing my feelings than something I really choose. I’m always trying to discover a line, a curve, an unusual shape. It...

Europe / France


Bei meiner Aktfotografie vor allem für Männer, aber auch Frauen oder Paaren aller Art, erarbeite ich gemeinsam mit Dir, bzw. Euch, ein Setting welches die jeweilige Ausstrahlung unterstreicht und...

Europe / Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Baby, I'm late / Street  photography by Photographer polarapfel ★1 | STRKNG

Baby, I'm late - © polarapfel

suits / Street  photography by Photographer Marcus Richter | STRKNG

suits - © Marcus Richter


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