"stephane" - photography

Stephane Lepine 22

Born 1968 in Lyon (France) Painter, drawer, photographer Currently living and working close to Freiburg (Germany) Exploring naturalness and prettiness through portraits and nudes.

Europe / Germany / Baden-Württemberg / Freiburg

Stephane MAXENCE 3

Stephane Maxence, French fashion photographer since 1994 and based in south of France. I work mainly with feminine models and I think that the model is the center of the photographic creation. The...

Europe / France / POUSSAN

Eugenia Timoshenko

Eugenia Timoshenko, model and photographer / Biography I live in Istanbul and I have artistic projects to realize in France. I am perfectly French-speaking and anchored in French culture. I am...

Europe / Turkey / Istanbul

Stella / Nude  photography by Photographer Stephane Lepine ★22 | STRKNG

Stella - © Stephane Lepine

Marie Grippon / People  photography by Photographer Monsieur S ★2 | STRKNG

Marie Grippon - © Monsieur S
Marie Grippon

Clara / Black and White  photography by Photographer Monsieur S ★2 | STRKNG

Clara - © Monsieur S

Portrait  photography by Photographer Stephane Lepine ★22 | STRKNG

- © Stephane Lepine

Johanna II / Nude  photography by Photographer Stephane Lepine ★22 | STRKNG

Johanna II - © Stephane Lepine

Hommage à Giuseppe Gradela / Portrait  photography by Photographer Monsieur S ★2 | STRKNG

Hommage à Giuseppe Gradela - © Monsieur S
Margot Boulard

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #33 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2019-06-20 18:48

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #33

Cover: »Daria#2« | © J. Borger

Many Thanks to the contributors:

35mm· adolfo valente· albert finch· alessandra· alessandra scalogna· alexander hufenbach photography· alexander steger· alva marleen· amiyumi· andrea peipe· andreas reh· andres marti· andy lee· anna försterling· anne krämer· asgy photography· atmospheres of light· bea amber· benedikt ernst· carlos odeh· chih-chieh wang· chivas_regal· clara diebler· claudia gerhard· corwin von kuhwede· daniel krueger· deborah sarah drexler· der lenz ist da· dirk kultus· dorothea brandt· elvira kolerova· elyssa obscura· emmanuelle brisson· esprit confus· evangelia· ewa cwikla· fabrizia milia· framafo· hakim boulouiz· hans d.· hendrik janssen· hero mason· j. borger· jaioneamantegiestudio· jenzflare· joy dana· julien jegat· kerstin niemöller· kollektivmaschine· koras· kubagrafie· lauracallsen· maren scheffler· mark emerson hamilton· martina grabinsky· michał magdziak· milosz wozaczynski· mischa buckow· moth art· nadia nardelli· nathan wirth· odin.tk· olaf radcke· oliver henze· osamu jinguji· patrick leube· peter heidel· peter nientied· philomena famulok· radoslaw pujan· rafael scheidle· rapid.heart.movement· renate wasinger· roland mühler· ruediger rau· ruslan hrushchak· sandrino donnhauser· sandro ortolani· schiwa rose· sho shin· sophie simone· stephane lepine· sturmideenkind· svetlana korolyova· thefunkyeye· thomas maenz· thomas vogt· tommaso simone· torsten falk· ungemuetlich· valou perron...photography...· van helden· verwunschlicht· volker birke· woman of dark desires· yucel basoglu
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #32 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2019-05-13 12:11
Participants: Model Lysann

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #32

Cover: »Dance« | © Model Lysann

Many Thanks to the contributors:

- humana -· 4spo· adina salome h.· aleksandra kirievskaya· amiyumi· andrea grzicic· andreas puhl· andy gläsel· anna avramenko abstraction· anna hoppe· anselmo de filippis· artkphoto· benedetta falugi· chris kuerst fotografie· claudia hantschel· daniel anhut fotografie· daniel krueger· detlef reich· dirk kultus· erik witsoe· francesco rizzato· gabienne· gregor sticker· hanna könig· herr bert· iso_fotografie· ivan slunjski· ivo fotografie· jens steidtner· joerg dumkow· joerg schreier· jörg oestreich· josch· jot m.· kameramädchen· kaphoto· katrinines.de· kerstin niemöller· kollektivmaschine· koras· lauracallsen· lima lew· lsbrtls· luciano corti· lucy marti· lukas kaminski· lysann· madtography· marc elgo· maren scheffler· mark kinrade· markus hartmann· maryvjaer· michael schalla· naenzieh· nasos karabelas· nishe· peter heidel· peter nientied· peterallert1· philomena famulok· photographer tetsuro higashi· r. arnold· ritsa votsi· rob linsalata· roland mühler· samsara ilknur donmez· silvester· sinnlicht-fotografie· stefan beutler· stephan amm· stephane maxence· sued_fotografie· susanna· sven hasper· szadow· thomas ruppel· thomas vogt· vanessa moselle· vincent gauthier· volker stocker· woman of dark desires· yens franke
STRKNG Editors' Selection - #28 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2018-12-20 12:20
Cover: »Anni« | © JenzFlare / Portrait
Cover: »Anni« | © JenzFlare
2nd place/cover voting: Tabea - © Kollektivmaschine  / Nude
2nd place/cover voting: Tabea - © Kollektivmaschine

STRKNG Editors' Selection - #28

Cover: »Anni« | © JenzFlare

Many thanks to the contributors:

//pawel szvmanski// maitland newvork· adolfo valente· alberto monteraz· alberto montresor· alessa ghoulish· alex manz· alexander kulakov· amy lee· ando fuchs· andrea schwelle· andreas jorns· andy lee· anke doerschlen· annesophielandou· atmospherics· bea amber· beka· belmondophotography· benedikt ernst· benjamin ebi photography· carpe lucem· cha0skarsten· christian_knob_fotografie· christoph boecken· d.bock· daniel· dark indigo· david arvando· de luca augusto· dirk kultus· dominic krug· ekaterina troyan· fotobysg· george emil odthermat· gina vasquez· gutenbild· hamedphotography· hannes klotz· hannes trapp· harry unte· hero mason· herz.mensch.fotografie· inès de ferran· jenzflare· jk photographie· jo grabowski· julien jegat· kadosa yuan· kameramaedchen· kevin luck· knas· kollektivmaschine· koras· lee acaster· linda lena blanka· luba· luther roseman dease, ii· madame peach· marc elgo· maria schäfer photography· marilla muriel· martin neuhof· martin röhr· małgorzata sajur· mercan froehlich-mutluay· michael grube· mirco· mischa buckow· narnya imbrin· nathan wirth· nicolekreusch_photographie· olaf radcke· onlypicture photography· out&sight· p3667· peter nientied· pwb-fotografie.de· r. arnold· radoslaw pujan· raimundl79· resa rot· riccardo bandiera· schieflicht· sermon fortapelsson· smilingcat· stephan amm· stephane maxence· svetlana korolyova· thefunkyeye· thomas ruppel· victoria lo.· woltexinger
STRKNG Editors' Selection - #26 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2018-10-08 17:45
 Cover © Nicolas DECOOPMAN / Street
Cover © Nicolas DECOOPMAN
In Between - © Maria Frodl  / Nude
In Between - © Maria Frodl
© p3667 / Portrait
© p3667
© Bianca Serena Truzzi / Mood
© Bianca Serena Truzzi
su·bàc·que·a18 - © Riccardo Bandiera / Portrait
su·bàc·que·a18 - © Riccardo Bandiera
meike - © Marc Elgo / Portrait
meike - © Marc Elgo
R. - © R. Arnold / Black and White
R. - © R. Arnold
beauty tuesday - © Matthew Pine  with Model Miss Souls / Fashion / Beauty
beauty tuesday - © Matthew Pine with Model Miss Souls
Kamali / WWD - © Mark Emerson Hamilton / Fashion / Beauty
Kamali / WWD - © Mark Emerson Hamilton

STRKNG Editors' Selection - #26

100 striking images · 2017-10-05 - 2017-11-09

Many thanks to contributors!

3rdpersonality· alexander kuzmin photography· alexander steger· ana lora· andrea peipe· andreas maria kahn· andreas schaarschmidt· anna hoppe· anne krämer· augusto de luca· bartholomäus wischnewski· benedetta falugi· benedikt ernst· bianca serena truzzi· bruno colli· carlos odeh· chelsea· christian burghardt· cyanidemishka· dasha and mari· david broz· dayana montesano· debora di donato· dennis ramos· dunkelgrau.fotografie· experience· fabrizio romagnoli· fede· felix spiegel· formofadrop· hanna könig· hannes klotz· hartmut nörenberg· herr merzi· hiro lin· hpd-fotografy· j. borger· janine kuehn· jenzflare· jk photographie· kai mueller· lee acaster· leidy gómez· linda lena blanka· luba· luciano corti· marc elgo· marc von martial· marcus engler· maria frodl· maria schäfer photography· marie casabonne· marie-luise müller· marina agliullina· marinksy· marjolein parijs· mark emerson hamilton· marz· matthew pine· michael m· mike mayer· mondmädchen· moth art· mrs. white· nathan wirth· nicolas decoopman· p3667· papa rob· philip mckay· piotr polakiewicz· pixelhunter· r. arnold· rafa macías (oroyplata)· raimundl79· riccardo bandiera· rot, resa· ruslan hrushchak· sarah-philline· schiwa rose· sebastian freitag· sergey sivushkin· stéphane dégremont· the moment thief· thomas ruppel· tobias glawe· tom hart· valou perron...photography...· vera carlotto· victoria lo.
Blog post by  STRKNG / 2017-12-19 16:51
Editors' Selection - #18
2016-12-24 - 2017-01-28


Cover: »Ships On The High Sea« | © Philomena Famulok

Many thanks to the Contributors!
*ines_maria· 35mm· adolfo valente· alberto monteraz· alex omarsson· alicja brodowicz· andrás cséfalvay· andrea peipe· andreas jorns· andreas reh· anne krämer· anni-sunshine· aurimas· bayek photography· benedikt ernst· bianca serena truzzi· caamila· chih-chieh wang· christoph ruhrmann· christophe_staelens· cordula kelle-dingel· d i a n e p o w e r s· da fárago· debora di donato· der-mit-dem-licht-malt· dianne claire alinsonorin· diomede photo· dorotheya· ek· elisaimperi· emmanuelle brisson· esprit confus· estelle nowack· evangelia· formofadrop· foufinha· giacomo brunelli· go.70°north· gregory steenbeek· hans krum· herz.mensch.fotografie· hilton chen· hpd-fotografy· igor burba· in-active· joschka link· jsarmientoame· julie de waroquier· kehl-fotografie· klaus reinders· koops· kopfbild· la gipsy· leonid litvac· lisa nowinski· londoncoffee3· luca galavotti· lukas wawrzinek· malandro photodesign· mamo artografie· marc schnyder· margaux· marlize· martazbieron· matthias leberle· mattia.de.nittis· małgorzata sajur· milosz wozaczynski· mkaesler· monia merlo photographer· moth art· muraglia g.· naenzieh· peter heidel· peter van hal· philomena famulok· r. arnold· raimundl79· sandra herber· schabernack-fotografie· sermon fortapelsson· shadobb· stefan beutler· stephan amm· stephane lepine· thomas hofmann photography· thomas ruppel· thorsten gieseler· tim brakemeier· tom schleicher· vanessa conway· victoria lo.· vivien· yoo_exedus
Blog post by  STRKNG / 2017-12-05 17:48
editors' selection - #17

100 striking images / 2016-11-19 - 2016-12-23

cover »rush« | © andy lee

many thanks to the contributors...

albert finch· alexander veledzimovich· alicja brodowicz· andaelentari· andrea schwelle· andreas jorns· andreas reh· andy freer· andy lee· atmospherics· auflöser· aufzehengehen· bárbara traver· bea amber· benita welter· bernhard s.· bianca serena truzzi· blende-eins-zwei-photography· chaotic lullaby· claudia gerhard (70millimeter)· danny bittencourt· dasha and mari· david szubotics· davidivjak· docmaowi· el mestiich· evamilkonskaya· ewa kępys· fabrice muller photography· fernando alda· gabienne· gsvoow· hady· ioannis (yiannis) samaras· j. borger· jakub michalec· jasoncawood· joão freire· kai mueller· kapuschinsky· katja kemnitz· kavan the kid· l'erotique· linda lena blanka· lisa· lisa nowinski· loris arcostanzo· luca galavotti· lucy marti· lutz michen· margherita· maria schäfer photography· marilla muriel· marlin helene· matthias naumann· małgorzata sajur· michael m· michel picard· mike alegado· momentsbyjohn· naenzieh· nasos karabelas· odin . timo karnatz· oxana mazur fine art photography· p3667· pablo asencio· paolobarzman· patrick leube· philomena famulok· qik photography· r. arnold· rafa macías (oroyplata)· raimundl79· rapid.heart.movement· riccardo bandiera· robert ponomarev· rot, resa· sandra lazzarini· schabernack-fotografie· scott hargis· seelenkind· skin soul· steffi atze· stéphane dégremont· sturmideenkind· thorsten schnorrbusch· ursula schmitz· valou perron...photography...· victor hamke· vivienne b· von stein· wiebke· wiktor franko


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