"souls" - photography

Pixelhunter 7

Photographer by passion. Girls, portraiture, fashion, nudes. My main focus is to capture real humans and souls. No big scenes as natural as possible. Based near Kassel/Germany. For cooperations or...

Europe / Germany / Hessen / Kassel

Christian Drost 9

My name is Christian Drost and I'm a Berlin based photographer that is mostly fascinated by human body forms and their aesthetics. In my opinion there is beauty in every of us and I always try...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Peer Pape 4

Hi, my name is Peer P. and I started to take photos in January 2024. I'd like to showcase my works and get inspired by others! I just recently bought a pre-used Sony alpha 6000. I am not sure...

Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bonn

Experience 2

I have three souls of my Art: Reportage, Street and Beauty. All of them are mixed on my portfolio. I try to do the best, drawing by light and taking the result filtering by my analog camera. At...

Europe / United Kingdom

Lucia Blašková 2

The game of the light fascinated me since the year 2010. I am inspired by nature and people. I am looking for natural beauty of our world and souls.

Europe / Slovak Republic / Banská Bystrica

Miss Souls 81

German model with red hair and many different styles. I work since years in front of the camera and I've worked with various incredible photographers.

Europe / Germany / Bonn

Wild At Heart / Nude  photography by Model Miss Souls ★81 | STRKNG

Wild At Heart - © Miss Souls

PSL3012 / Nude  photography by Photographer ungemuetlich ★157 | STRKNG

PSL3012 - © ungemuetlich
Miss Souls

You May Know Him / Black and White  photography by Model Miss Souls ★81 | STRKNG

You May Know Him - © Miss Souls

Shadow Journal / Nude  photography by Model Miss Souls ★81 | STRKNG

Shadow Journal - © Miss Souls

Painted On My Heart / Conceptual  photography by Model Miss Souls ★81 | STRKNG

Painted On My Heart - © Miss Souls
Horst Kistner

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #76 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2024-07-02 11:39

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #76

100 striking images · 2023-05-14 - 2023-07-11

Cover »...« © Hamidreza Sheikhmorteza

achim katzberg· agnus bootis· aizpuriete· aliaksei matveyeu· amyirei· angelique.boissiere· arr hart· artgio· behnamkhoramshahi· blue.forest.soul· carpe lucem· chantal kemp· claudy b.· cottel sébastien· cristian trippel· cyanidemishka· daniel anhut fotografie· daniel tobosi· dirk rohra· dirkbee· eldark photography· ellis· fabrizio foto· fleba fenicio· francesco sambati· graefel· grethemabon· gxlgentxnz· hamidreza sheikhmorteza· heinz porten· henning bruns· holger orf· homayoun tamaddon· irene toma· irina ludosanu· j. bongartz· j.j. garcia· jan kluveld· jean-guy caumeil· jens klettenheimer· jevgenij balezin· josé bringas· jott· kit anghell· kupferhaut· lars bergström· lichtundnicht· makowu_photography· maria schäfer photography· marina tells you· marseiphoto· michael hemingway· miss souls· monica smaniotto· morteza khobzi· next.door.photography· norman boesche· pierre arnoldi· pierre pellegrini· pollux· polly karpova· pwb-fotografie.de / petra w. barathova· ragnar gischas· ralph kordes· raul izkierdo· ray gray· rebecca uliczka· reik schubert· reto.heiz· reza shamszadeh· rob linsalata· roland wingenroth· roman dejon· sandra mago· scott franklin evans· selda photography· stefan dokoupil· stephan joachim· suse photo· s_pro· tannhaeuser· thorsten geisser emotionale fotografie· tom clemenz· vampirhaut· willi schwanke· yauhen yerchak
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #74 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2024-03-21 16:05

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #74

100 striking images · 16.01.2023 - 13.03.2023

Cover © Anna Försterling

acr· alessandra favetto· amy lee· analog pictures· andres hernandez· andy zane· angélica escoto· anna försterling· antonio palmerini· astrid susanna schulz· aufzehengehen· boris bethge· carlo magenis· caro· christian a. friedrich· claudy b.· cologne boudoir· darkkosmou· dasha and mari· david aimone· di· dirkbee· ecd.2· ellis· enrico cavallarin· eric vanden· falko matte· fernanda ramirez· graefel· gregor sticker· helmut boden· holger orf· ignac tokarczyk· igorkostin· imar· janinepatejdl· janosch.· jens klettenheimer· jevgenij balezin· joachim alt· jürgen neitsch· kai mueller· kai rogler· kathi-hannah· kien's collection· kris taylor· maren w.· martial rossignol· mauro sini· mecuro b cotto· mg-lichtmaler· michael kampmann· mike brown· milica marković· miss souls· monica smaniotto· mrs theatralisch· nathanaël fournier· noah nguyen· pablo fanque’s fair· pascal chapuis· peter pape· phil raynaud· rafael s.· rainer moster· renate wasinger· renke bargmann· rikavienna· rodislav driben· schattenkünstler· seelisch· selda photography· shahin khalaji· sk.photo· stefan dokoupil· stephan joachim· suse photo· svetlanameliknubarova· tom hampl· ttoommyy· vincent brousseau· wendelin kipping· y. g. foto· łukasz ziomek
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #71 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2023-11-28 10:19

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #71

100 striking images · 2022-07-30 - 2022-09-29

Cover »Сalmness« © Amira Mukhina

Many thanks to the contributors:

6zeio6· achim brandt· acqua&sapone· alberto monteraz· alex gundlak· alex nason photography· alireza sahebi· amira mukhina· andrew w pilling· anne· anne silver· ansichten· arkadiy kurta· artur frost· axakadam· beke· biljana radojicic· boris mouskevich· brian childress· bubadibub· carpe lucem· cristian trippel· curtis joe walker· daniel.nartschick· dennis ramos· dirkbee· dunkeltraum· eldark photography· elisa weis· ellard· ellis· ewald vorberg· fabrizio massetti· folur's.· formofadrop· igor b. glik· ingo mueller· jenny theobald· jens klettenheimer· justin wright· kai mueller· klaus kober· la fleur de la nuit· lee acaster· lili cranberrie· linda hazelnut· lysann· marco bressi· marie casabonne· mario von oculario· martin_image· michelle ruiz pellachini· minh-ly· miss souls· mserinkaya· musa erato· neram06· p3667· pablo fanque’s fair· paolo aldi· pascal chapuis· pavel· philippe galanopoulos· philomena famulok· photobooth portraits· piet.sommer· pixelhunter· polina soyref· rainer moster· ralf freitag photography· ralf tophoven· rené benjowski· roland wingenroth· rosa h. lightart· sandra doornbos· seven seconds· stefan jaeger· stephan joachim· stvn.krb· susanna mv· svetlanameliknubarova· thodoris tsenoglou· thomas rossi· thomas ruppel· toon van daalen· vincent gauthier· waldo perez cino· willi schwanke· y. g. foto· zuparino
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #70 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2023-09-28 16:33

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #70

100 striking images · 05.06.2022 - 29.07.2022

Cover: »Moroi Metabolism (2nd version)« © Alexandru Crisan

Many thanks to the contributors:

abolfazl jabraeili· alessio moglioni· alexandru crisan· amelie· analog pictures· andrea arosio· andreas maria kahn· angelique.boissiere· ansichten· atreyu verne· belapho· biljana radojicic· bogdan bousca· carsten.vogt· christian meier· christoph ruhrmann· claudy b.· cologne boudoir· cottel sébastien· cristian trippel· curtis joe walker· david planchenault· dirk rohra· dmytro karev· ecd.2· ed wight· elisa weis· ellard· erik witsoe· eugene reno· frank pudel· geeska klaussen· gernot schwarz· hannes windrath· harry unte· heinz hagenbucher· heinz porten· henning bruns· jakob l.· jakube· janosch.· jens klettenheimer· jörg billwitz· jürgen bussmann photography· kai mueller· karsten· lena.who.are.you· lichtmichl· luca galavotti· lungo il fiume tra gli alberi· marilla muriel· martin neuhof· matthias naumann· mecuro b cotto· michael everett· michael stoecklin· milica marković· miss souls· mohammad dadsetan· monika keller· mr_andy· mserinkaya· oliver fischer· oliver villegas· przygoda· quimu casalprim· rainer benz· rapid.heart.movement· reahnima· riel life· sabine fischer· santo martinez· stefan dokoupil· storvandre photography· sven-kristian wolf· thomas maenz· thomas ringhofer· thomas ruppel· tommaso donato· trí lê· ugrandolini· ulisses· ute pannicke· willi schwanke· zohreh· zwischensequenz
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #65 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2022-12-22 09:43

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #65

100 striking images • 2021-09-03 - 2021-10-27

Cover: »Portrait« | © Elena Kiselyova

Many Thanks to the contributors:

6oize6· aj tedesco· alva marleen· amelie alternate· amoral nude art· andreas maria kahn· andreas wilhelm· andrew w pilling· ani levottomuus· anna abstraction· anna försterling· astrid susanna schulz· axel schneegass· biljana radojicic· bogdan bousca· boris bethge· curtis joe walker· damien baule· daniel.nartschick· dbxpix· dingethal.design· dirk adolphs· dunkeltraum· elena kiselyova· erik witsoe· falko matte· franz von o.· fritz naef· grethemabon· hamidreza sheikhmorteza· hans krum· heiko westphalen· heinz porten· himitsuhana· ja-shang tang· jens klettenheimer· jens taube· joe hogan· julien jegat· kai mueller· kollektivmaschine· la fleur de la nuit· latelier· lena· lena.who.are.you· lola· lum photoblossom· marinksy· martial rossignol· martin klucznik· miss souls· monty erselius· moritz herrmann· musa erato· nicowestlicht· noemipn13· nva_blossom· olli gräf· p3667· pascal chapuis· peacocks feather· peter meyer· phil raynaud· photobooth portraits· photographer tetsuro higashi· purity.control· r.e.m.i· rainer moster· ralf scherer· renate wasinger· rensen· rob linsalata· roland mühler· roland wingenroth· sabine kristmann-gros· schnaps & schuss· sebastian niebius· soulcatch.me· storvandre photography· thomas gauck· thomas lottermoser· thorsten geisser emotionale fotografie· timo karlsson· tomáš hudolin· vincent gauthier· walter eckardt· y. adrian· łukasz ziomek


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