PIXΞLBUTZΞ | PHOTOGRAPHY Ich fotografiere. Gerne. Häufig. Menschen. Fast immer Schwarz Weiß. Gerne TFP.
BOOK "SEPT" - Now available! “SEPT” zeigt unterschiedliche Charaktere in einer außergewöhnlichen Szenerie. Durch die Fusion von Fiktion und Poesie scheinen die Grenzen der Realität...
Fotograf aus NRW im weiten Bereich Portraitfotografie. Keine AI, KI generierten Bilder. Real Life People.
I am a full time photographer and media designer from Germany, mostly working for the music industry. Other than that i do creative stock photos for my most beloved agency "Plainpicture".
Ruhrpottkind mit Kamera. #onfilm only.
Fotograf aus NRW (46539 Dinslaken)
I always liked to work with the camera, just as I painted, drew and designed creative. And I got round to doing photography in 2004 by music. In both areas music as well as photography, I'm...