"scul" - photography

Ellard 13

I'm a fine art photographer based in Amsterdam. Visually inspired by photographers like Richard Avedon and Herb Ritts and the superhero-comics I read growing up, I tend to lean towards clear, easy...

Europe / Netherlands / Amsterdam

Mauro Sini 5

Mauro Sini has worked for years in the fields of architecture, fashion, theatre and portrait photography. His architectural studies have conditioned his view of the world and contributed to defining...

Europe / Italy / Sarteano

Jérôme Scullino 4

Located in both Toronto and Ottawa, Canada . My niche is B&W portraiture, beauty and fashion.

North America / Canada / Ottawa

Ulisses 4

Selbstständiger freischaffender Künstler, Freelance Artist, Bildhauer, sculptor, Fotokuenstler, fotoartist.

Europe / Germany / Hessen / Limburg an der Lahn

Dave Mack 1

Exploring sculptural lighting for figure studies and still life.

North America / United States of America / Massachusetts / Boston


MASKZ collection MIXED MARTIAL ART His Sculptures made of collected & found Cardboards & Fleyers. With lightand shadow ,they are staged and subsequently banned in photographs. Sometimes...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Marina tells you 6

Available for shooting via all EU. Hey, my name is Marina. I'm photo and video model from in Belarus. Now I'm based in Vilnius, Lithuania. At the moment modeling is full-time job for me,...

Europe / Lithuania / Vilnius

Angélini Candice 24

Candice Angélini is a french hatdesigner. She creates sculpted headdresses. Her work is inspired by tribal art. She see these pieces as Ex-Voto and magical items. Each element of her...

Europe / France

Paola Idrontino 3

Paola Idrontino is originally from Italy and currently based in Barcelona. She creates accessories, costumes, marine-inspired textile sculptures, and ethereal photography. At the age of 20, she...

Europe / Spain / Barcelona

Sculpture / Fine Art  photography by Model Medusa ★7 | STRKNG

Sculpture - © Medusa
Willi Schwanke

Grasshopper / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Ellard ★13 | STRKNG

Grasshopper - © Ellard
Riel Life

Lost connection / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Marian Hummel ★11 | STRKNG

Lost connection - © Marian Hummel

Decisions / Abstract  photography by Photographer Marian Hummel ★11 | STRKNG

Decisions - © Marian Hummel

INTO THE FIELDS / Abstract  photography by Photographer Marian Hummel ★11 | STRKNG

INTO THE FIELDS - © Marian Hummel

Power, Pressure, and Pain - Blog post by Photographer Dave Mack / 2025-01-11 15:20
» #1/3 « / Power, Pressure, and Pain / Blog post by <a href="https://dave-mack.strkng.com/en/">Photographer Dave Mack</a> / 2025-01-11 15:20 / Portrait
» #2/3 « / Power, Pressure, and Pain / Blog post by <a href="https://dave-mack.strkng.com/en/">Photographer Dave Mack</a> / 2025-01-11 15:20 / Portrait
» #3/3 « / Power, Pressure, and Pain / Blog post by <a href="https://dave-mack.strkng.com/en/">Photographer Dave Mack</a> / 2025-01-11 15:20 / Portrait
Jacques Broënnec - Blog post by Photographer Kris Taylor / 2023-03-09 19:42
Jacques Broënnec  / Documentary
Jacques Broënnec
Jacques Broënnec / Documentary
Jacques Broënnec
Jacques Broënnec / Documentary
Jacques Broënnec
Jacques Broënnec / Documentary
Jacques Broënnec
Jacques Broënnec / Documentary
Jacques Broënnec
Jacques Broënnec / Documentary
Jacques Broënnec
Gemma as an artwork - Blog post by Photographer Joe Hogan / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #1/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #2/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #3/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #4/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #5/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #6/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #7/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #8/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
» #9/9 « / Gemma as an artwork / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/joe+hogan/">Photographer Joe Hogan</a> / 2022-12-22 19:04
Rock sculptures - Blog post by Model la fleur de la nuit / 2022-03-30 22:23
» #1/8 « / Rock sculptures / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2022-03-30 22:23
» #2/8 « / Rock sculptures / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2022-03-30 22:23
» #3/8 « / Rock sculptures / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2022-03-30 22:23
» #4/8 « / Rock sculptures / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2022-03-30 22:23
» #5/8 « / Rock sculptures / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2022-03-30 22:23
» #6/8 « / Rock sculptures / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2022-03-30 22:23
» #7/8 « / Rock sculptures / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2022-03-30 22:23
» #8/8 « / Rock sculptures / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/model/la+fleur+de+la+nuit/">Model la fleur de la nuit</a> / 2022-03-30 22:23
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #53 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2021-08-19 13:40

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #53

100 striking images · 2020-07-28 - 2020-09-03

Cover: Sunshine - © Bogdan Bousca & Irina ludosanu

Many Thanks to the contributors:

a m· albert finch· aleksandr sabelnikov· andrew w pilling· andy komoll· anna försterling· axel hansmann· axel schneegass· bernard lipiński· bernie rothauer· bogdan bousca· carsten schenker· claudy b.· col_shots· constantyearing· corado stock· denis peaudeau· devite· doreen seifert· dovileparis· ed wight· elena kiselyova· eliza loveheart· emily· emmanuelle yaneva· erik gross· erik witsoe· esprit confus· eugene reno· evangelia· felixbrokbals· flyke· frank pudel· gregor sticker· hans-martin doelz· heinz hagenbucher· hetocy· huy lee· inner destruction· jens taube· jérôme scullino· josé bringas· kai mueller· karl-heinz weege· klingklong· kostiantyn baran· laurent askienazy· lisa· lwr.photography· lysann· manuela deigert· marilla muriel· mark huesken· mark p· marta glińska· marta.enigma· mathew· me an atheist (krzysiek śliwaq)· mehdi mokhtari· michael hemingway· michał magdziak· nielsfechtel· papadoxx-fotografie· peacocks feather· peculiar.mind· peter tkáč· philomena famulok· photographer tetsuro higashi· r.e.m.i· ralf schmitz (rasch.photo)· renke bargmann· rolf florschuetz· rouven kurz· rrr diaz· schieflicht· sergey sivushkin· sirena wren· spiros litsas· sven-kristian wolf· thomas ringhofer· torsten köster· torsten kuban· trostheide· tunguska.rdm· unal colin· vincent gauthier· zander neuman
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #53 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2021-07-08 11:15

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #53

100 striking images · 2020-06-22 - 2020-07-28

Cover: © Thomas Bichler

Many Thanks to the contributors:

albert finch· alberto monteraz· alfonso de castro· ana lora· andreas jöhren· andreas puhl· andrew w pilling· angelique.boissiere· anna försterling· artisanal.pictures· artur frost· axakadam· axel schneegass· aylen hervaz· bcb karim· brigitte wildling· carla m· chaotic lullaby· deborah sarah drexler· dietmar walther· disillusion· dq· edition· elena kiselyova· emmanuelle yaneva· erik witsoe· eugene reno· fa· fabrizio massetti· filthy wizard· francesco sambati· grégoire a. meyer· grethemabon· hans severin· hetocy· holger nitschke· imar· ioannis (yiannis) samaras· jérôme scullino· joachim alt· julia beyer· juliet· jürgen bode· kamera_maedchen· kantorka· katja heinemann· ken gehring· kiitos_c· kostiantyn baran· laurent askienazy· lee acaster· lili cranberrie· lima lew· linda lena blanka· lukas wawrzinek· lysann· l‘ocean gris· marc von martial· marian hummel· maxime broy· melloncollie· mg-lichtmaler· michael wittig· michael wölfel· michał magdziak· narkildo· nasos karabelas· natasha buzina· nishe· olaf korbanek· olga· oliver staack· p.feldhusen.fotografie· peyman naderi· philomena famulok· photographer tetsuro higashi· piet.sommer· praise of light· rdpx· reahnima· renate wasinger· rolf florschuetz· sermon fortapelsson· sirena wren· somallie· sprache der seele· thomas berlin· thomas bichler· thomas popien fotografie· unknown· uwe leininger· willi schwanke· zwischensequenz
F*** Insta - Denied Art (18+) - Event entered by Photographer Andreas Maria Kahn / 2025-02-26 15:29
» #1/5 « / F*** Insta - Denied Art (18+) /
» #2/5 « / F*** Insta - Denied Art (18+) /
» #3/5 « / F*** Insta - Denied Art (18+) /
» #4/5 « / F*** Insta - Denied Art (18+) /
» #5/5 « / F*** Insta - Denied Art (18+) /

F*** Insta - Denied Art (18+)

Untergeschoss der Pandora Art Gallery Berlin

Saturday, 03-01 19:00h - Saturday, 03-15 20:00h

Untergeschoss der Pandora Art Gallery, Mittenwalder Str. 6, 10961 Berlin

Deutschland / Europa

""F*** Insta – Denied Art (18+)" Pandora Art Gallery is proud to present "F*** Instagram – Denied Art (18+)," an exhibition that challenges the constraints imposed by..."


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