"santo" - photography

Santo Martinez 3

"You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have...

North America / United States of America / Virginia / Alexandria

Rene Olejnik 3

Just a man with a passion to find light in dark times to catch moments that never come back...

Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hilden

Self Reflection on Loss / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Santo Martinez ★3 | STRKNG

Self Reflection on Loss - © Santo Martinez

Downtown / Nude  photography by Photographer Santo Martinez ★3 | STRKNG

Downtown - © Santo Martinez

Walk / Black and White  photography by Photographer Santo Martinez ★3 | STRKNG

Walk - © Santo Martinez

Beauty in jeans / Nude  photography by Photographer Santo Martinez ★3 | STRKNG

Beauty in jeans - © Santo Martinez

Santorini / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Ioannis (Yiannis) Samaras ★10 | STRKNG

Santorini - © Ioannis (Yiannis) Samaras

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #78 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2024-10-09 15:16

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #78

100 striking images · 07.09.2023 - 13.11.2023

Cover »Kimberly I 2020« © Axel Schneegass

alessio moglioni· alexander platz· amy lee· angelique.boissiere· anna försterling· ansichten· antonkimpfbeck· arash aminzadeh· artgio· axel schneegass· aylen hervaz· bad_buddha_photography· bedaman· belapho· christian meier· corwin pixel· daniel.nartschick· dark indigo· dieterkit· dirkbee· dunkeltraum· eldehen· ellis· erik gross· graefel· h e r . f o t o· hannanehakhoondi· hochgefuehle_leben· imar· iryna berdnyk· jakube· jens klettenheimer· jens lodén· jens taube· joe hogan· jörg kersten· jürgen neitsch· kai klostermann· kaya· kupferhaut· lampenfieberstudio· latelier· lechiam· lichtundnicht· luciana marti· lukas wawrzinek· madame peach· max sammet· mehdi mokhtari· milica marković· minh-ly· monique schneider· morteza khobzi· mya_b_· nathanaël fournier· niels wagner· noavocadostoday· norman boesche· ovidiu· pat.de.lyon· paul van bueren· pierre jacquemin· pixelhunter· projektfeed· reahnima· rufus· ruslan galeev· sabine fischer· sam barton· santo martinez· sebastian niebius· selda photography· shizuo· sk.photo· stephan joachim· stephan_black.and.white· swen muenstermann· thomas rossi· tina· triz täss· ungemuetlich· yauhen yerchak· zari· _la.lexi· петр максимов
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #70 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2023-09-28 16:33

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #70

100 striking images · 05.06.2022 - 29.07.2022

Cover: »Moroi Metabolism (2nd version)« © Alexandru Crisan

Many thanks to the contributors:

abolfazl jabraeili· alessio moglioni· alexandru crisan· amelie· analog pictures· andrea arosio· andreas maria kahn· angelique.boissiere· ansichten· atreyu verne· belapho· biljana radojicic· bogdan bousca· carsten.vogt· christian meier· christoph ruhrmann· claudy b.· cologne boudoir· cottel sébastien· cristian trippel· curtis joe walker· david planchenault· dirk rohra· dmytro karev· ecd.2· ed wight· elisa weis· ellard· erik witsoe· eugene reno· frank pudel· geeska klaussen· gernot schwarz· hannes windrath· harry unte· heinz hagenbucher· heinz porten· henning bruns· jakob l.· jakube· janosch.· jens klettenheimer· jörg billwitz· jürgen bussmann photography· kai mueller· karsten· lena.who.are.you· lichtmichl· luca galavotti· lungo il fiume tra gli alberi· marilla muriel· martin neuhof· matthias naumann· mecuro b cotto· michael everett· michael stoecklin· milica marković· miss souls· mohammad dadsetan· monika keller· mr_andy· mserinkaya· oliver fischer· oliver villegas· przygoda· quimu casalprim· rainer benz· rapid.heart.movement· reahnima· riel life· sabine fischer· santo martinez· stefan dokoupil· storvandre photography· sven-kristian wolf· thomas maenz· thomas ringhofer· thomas ruppel· tommaso donato· trí lê· ugrandolini· ulisses· ute pannicke· willi schwanke· zohreh· zwischensequenz
Anguish - Blog post by Photographer Santo Martinez / 2022-07-12 17:57
» #1/6 « / Anguish / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/santo+martinez/">Photographer Santo Martinez</a> / 2022-07-12 17:57
» #2/6 « / Anguish / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/santo+martinez/">Photographer Santo Martinez</a> / 2022-07-12 17:57
Anguish / Fine Art / blackandwhitephotography,fineartphotography
Anguish / Fine Art / blackandwhitephotography,fineartphotography
Anguish / Fine Art / blackandwhitephotography,fineartphotography
Anguish / Fine Art / blackandwhitephotography,fineartphotography
STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #58 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2022-01-13 14:08

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #58

100 striking images · 22.12.2020 - 27.01.2021

»Parlami di te« © 6oize6

Many thanks to the contributors
6oize6· a. different-breed· achim katzberg· alex tsarfin· amira mukhina· andreas ebner· andreas maria kahn· annalisa de luca· arto pazat· bedaman· belanglosigkeit· belapho· bogdan bousca· bubadibub· christian fuhrmann· christian karner ckvi· christopher frank photography· claudy b.· colin· constantyearing· corwin pixel· craft werk 4· daniel wandke· dieterkit· dirk kultus· dirk lorenz· egon k· elena kiselyova· eliza loveheart· emma prin· fleba fenicio· francesco sambati· gabriela minks· gernot schwarz· hady· hans-martin doelz· herz.mensch.fotografie· hetocy· hpd-fotografy· jakob creuzfeld· jens scheider· joachim alt· kai mueller· karim bouchareb· leonid litvac· levente kovacs· lili cranberrie· lin chong· luciana marti· mahamaya· marco bressi· maria schäfer photography· marta glińska· martial rossignol· martin peterdamm· matheu· michael heinzig· michael stoecklin· michał magdziak· miriam nissen· nick· olaf korbanek· p3667· patrick leube· raquel simba· reahnima· rensen· robertino radovix· rolf florschuetz· romzesh· rosa h. lightart· ruslan galeev· santo martinez· severin messenbrink· simone gernhardt· simone sander· surman christophe· thedannyguy· thomas illhardt· tulipe· uwe leininger· varvara kandaurova· vincent brousseau· zachary hurlburt
molwanien - Blog post by Photographer Sanna Dimario / 2019-12-11 22:24
molwanien / Reise / auto,wrack,bmw,meineweltistbunt,molwanien,urlaub,sonne,holiday
molwanien / Reise / molwanien,reisen,ruinien,landdesschadhaftenlächelns
don't look / Reise / molwanien,putzen,eis,reisen
don't look
molwanien / Reise / fliegenderhändler,berge,reisen,grauingrau,bulli,molwanien,meineweltistbunt
» #5/9 « / molwanien / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/sanna+dimario/">Photographer Sanna Dimario</a> / 2019-12-11 22:24
» #6/9 « / molwanien / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/sanna+dimario/">Photographer Sanna Dimario</a> / 2019-12-11 22:24
» #7/9 « / molwanien / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/sanna+dimario/">Photographer Sanna Dimario</a> / 2019-12-11 22:24
haushalt / Reise / molwanien,waschmaschine,herd,blackandwhite,kontraste
the lonesome  cloud / Reise / wolke,cloud,berge,mountains,molwanien,landdesschadhaftenlächelns
the lonesome cloud


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