"rembrandt" - photography

Photographer Tetsuro Higashi 42

I was born and brought up in Tokyo Japan. Now I teach mathematics . At age 20 I took up painting. I took up taking photos before 5 years. I have learned taking photos by myself . I grew up...

Asia / Japan / Tokyo


I am an amateur photographer based in Turin, Italy. I love classical paintings as Caravaggio and Rembrandt, and pre-raphaelite paintings. I prefer portrait photography

Europe / Italy / Turin


I am mainly black and white driven photographer. I love architecture, minimal and geometrical sceneries. Currently, I am starting portraitphotography. My first artworks are taken with rembrandt...

Europe / Germany / Frankfurt Main

Rembrandt I / Nude  photography by Photographer Fleba Fenicio ★3 | STRKNG

Rembrandt I - © Fleba Fenicio

Rembrandt / Portrait  photography by Photographer Maria Kappatou ★4 | STRKNG

Rembrandt - © Maria Kappatou

No. 1 / Portrait  photography by Photographer Beartig_ | STRKNG

No. 1 - © Beartig_

No. 2 / Portrait  photography by Photographer Beartig_ | STRKNG

No. 2 - © Beartig_

No. 3 / Portrait  photography by Photographer Beartig_ | STRKNG

No. 3 - © Beartig_


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