places, strange and quiet - © Resa Rot

quiet winter - © Renate Wasinger

winter - © Renate Wasinger
I'm a physician but also an international award winning landscape photographer. Yet model photography seems to be more and more important for me and I am thinking about the several ways to combine...
"Bildausschnitte" = Bernd Grosseck, a photographer, who lives near Graz in Austria. My photographic focus: 1) Portraits of regions, towns and villages As a photographer with a...
Call me polaroider Some years ago — never mind how long precisely — having little or no pixel in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on CCD o CMOS sensors, I thought I would...
Starke Fotos sind wie Rock'n'Roll! Mal leise. Mal laut. Aber immer ehrlich und handgemacht! An der Ostsee geboren lebe ich Inzwischen als Fotograf in Münster (Westf., NRW) und mache Fotos von und...
places, strange and quiet - © Resa Rot
quiet winter - © Renate Wasinger
winter - © Renate Wasinger
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