"quarantine" - photography

Silvina Batista

Self-portrait taken at my home in Buenos Aires during quarantine. Inspired by Francesca Woodman. Photograph in square format, black and white, with some movement. Francesca Stern Woodman (April 3,...

South America / Argentina / Villa Rosa, Pilar

Mood  photography by Photographer FA ★4 | STRKNG

- © FA

Selfportrait during quarantine / Nude  photography by Photographer Riel Life ★16 | STRKNG

Selfportrait during quarantine - © Riel Life

Quarantine boreout - Selfie / Portrait  photography by Photographer Roy Focke | STRKNG

Quarantine boreout - Selfie - © Roy Focke

Quarantine boreout - Selfie / Conceptual  photography by Photographer Roy Focke | STRKNG

Quarantine boreout - Selfie - © Roy Focke

20/20 Vision - Pandemic City (Part 1) - Blog post by Photographer Deborah Swain / 2021-07-03 13:24
Rome, February 2020  / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,20/20vision,pandemic,city
Rome, February 2020
Rome, November 2020 / Street / streetphotography,pandemic,documentary,20/20vision,rome,streetsofrome,streetlife
Rome, November 2020
Rome, May 2020 / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,pandemic,documentary,city,20/20vision
Rome, May 2020
Rome, May 2020 / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,city,pandemic,20/20vision,documentary
Rome, May 2020
Rome, June 2020 / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,city,pandemic,20/20vision,documentary
Rome, June 2020
Rome, June 2020 / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,pandemic,documentary,city,rome,20/20vision
Rome, June 2020
Rome, July 2020 / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,documentary,city,candid,pandemic,20/20vision
Rome, July 2020
Rome, November 2020 / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,rome,candid,pandemic,documentary,2020vision
Rome, November 2020
Rome, December 2020 / Street / streetphotography,streetlife,streetsofrome,rome,pandemic,city,documentary,candid,20/20vision
Rome, December 2020


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