dunkeltraum 32

contemporary | nude | conceptual dunkeltraum ~ photography Trier / Germany / Allemagne Ich habe eine Kamera und ich habe manchmal eine Idee... Publications: Vogue Italy (Online) View...

Europe / Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Trier

Monia Merlo photographer 36

She was born in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, 1970. After finishing her studies in Venice, she teamed her work as an architect with her passion for Photography, making it her main expression medium....

Europe / Bassano del Grappa

Martina Grabinsky 35

autodidakt too many cameras and too many genres ... www.grabinsky.de - self developed 35mm, 120 and 4x5'' film - cyanotypes - sometimes digital - available light - black and...

Europe / Germany / Saarland / Saarbrücken