Underneath what we Cover Up - © Gutenbild

An Arduous Journey - © Gutenbild
Invisible Titan

Inconvenient Truths - © Gutenbild
Peacocks feather
Underneath what we Cover Up - © Gutenbild
An Arduous Journey - © Gutenbild
Invisible Titan
Inconvenient Truths - © Gutenbild
Peacocks feather
I'll be visiting some festivals in 2018 and I'm looking forward to enjoy the music, the spirit and the people around me. This year I am planning to take my camera with me and try to capture these magical moments with you.
If you happen to be at one of the following festivals just let me know so we can meet up and create some beautiful images!
• 18. – 20.05.2018
Orange Blossom Special 22 (www.orangeblossomspecial.de)
37688 Beverungen (Weserbergland), Germany
• 27. – 29.07.2018
E-Ventschau 2018 (www.e-ventschau.de)
21371 Tosterglope OT Ventschau, Germany
• 10. – 12.08.2018
3000 Grad Festival (www.3000-festival.de)
17258 Feldberg, Germany
Maybe you go to another lovely festival?
Let me know! I'd love to see you there.
Feldberger Seenlandschaft
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Germany / Europe
I'll be visiting the 3000 Grad Festival in August and I'm looking forward to enjoy the music, the spirit and the people around me.
This year I am planning to take my camera with me and try to capture these magical moments – maybe with you.
If you'd like to have your picture taken in this unique atmosphere, just let me know so we can meet up and create some beautiful images!
More info on the festival: www.3000-festival.de
Tosterglope, OT Ventschau
Niedersachsen / Germany / Europe
I'll be visiting the E-Ventschau Festival in July and I'm looking forward to enjoy the music, the spirit and the people around me.
This year I am planning to take my camera with me and try to capture these magical moments – maybe with you.
If you'd like to have your picture taken in this unique atmosphere, just let me know so we can meet up and create some beautiful images!
More info on the festival: www.e-ventschau.de
Wennekath 6, 21401 Thomasburg
Niedersachsen / Germany / Europe
Die Künstlerin zeigt von ihr gestaltete Möbelstücke, Schalen und Skulpturen aus Holz, sowie die charmanten Gartenkumpel, eine farbenfrohe Bagage kniehoher Holzwesen.
Mit seinen aktuellen Arbeiten ist der Fotograf Christian Nowak dieses Jahr wieder mit von der Partie. Er zeigt unter anderem die Aktportrait-Serie „Schwimmen im Fluss”, die über einen Zeitraum von zwölf Monaten an der Elbe entstand. Monatlich traf sich der Fotograf mit seinem Model, um ihr reinigendes Ritual im Wechsel der Jahreszeiten zu dokumentieren.
Akustisch wird der Samstag ab 18 Uhr von „Tabea und Band” begleitet, die selbstgemachte und geklaute musikalische Perlen aus dem Wendland im Gepäck haben.
Wie im vergangenen Jahr sorgen die LandFrauen Thomasburg an beiden Ausstellungstagen für das leibliche Wohl und informieren über die Aktivitäten ihres Vereines.
Datum: 23. – 24. Juni 2018
Ausstellungsort: Wennekath 6, 21401 Thomasburg (OT Wennekath)
Zeit: Samstag 13.00 – open end, Sonntag 11.00 – 18.00 Uhr
Nordrhein-Westfalen / Germany / Europe
I'll be visiting the Orange Blossom Special Festival in May and I'm looking forward to enjoy the music, the spirit and the people around me.
This year I am planning to take my camera with me and try to capture these magical moments – maybe with you.
If you'd like to have your picture taken in this unique atmosphere, just let me know so we can meet up and create some beautiful images!
More info on the festival: http://www.orangeblossomspecial.de
Gutenbild / Christian Nowak
Real People – Authenticity – Deadpan Look – Nude Portraits – Erotic Art
Working with inexperienced individuals as well as models – but always interested in a natural look rather than artificial posing. I am continuously striving for new experiences and the creation of unique and personal pictures. If you are interested in shooting with me, drop me a line.
Ask me anything. Feel free.
Lüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany