"phantasy" - photography

Nadine Seffern

"Sheepcrafts" steht für Natürlichkeit und Kreativität. Mir ist in meinen Arbeiten wichtig, neben der meist stark optimierten, glatten, digitalen Welt auch das Echte, Raue, aber vor...

Europe / Germany

Fine Art  photography by Photographer Mario W | STRKNG

- © Mario W

Black and White  photography by Photographer Mario W | STRKNG

- © Mario W

Fine Art  photography by Photographer Mario W | STRKNG

- © Mario W

"Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them."-Marc Jacobs / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer Mario W | STRKNG

"Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them."-Marc Jacobs - © Mario W

"I firmly believe that with the right footwear on can rule the world." -Bette Middler / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer Mario W | STRKNG

"I firmly believe that with the right footwear on can rule the world." -Bette Middler - © Mario W


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