reto.heiz 6

Reto Heiz, Fotograf aus der Schweiz. Ich habe mich auf das Thema nudeART spezialsiert, wobei es mir nicht primär darum geht einfach Nacktheit abzubilden, sondern ausdrucksstarke Bilder zu...

Europe / Switzerland / Altendorf

Jose G Cano 10

I am in awe at the intersection of the beauty of dance and the underwater space . I have recover the joy of my first years of photography. All the communication happens before we submerge. Is about...

Oceania / New Zealand / Nelson

Astrid Susanna Schulz 50

Astrid Susanna Schulz was born 1972 in Wildeshausen/Germany. As an autodidact she started photography with focus on portrait and nude art in 2013. Actually she lives and works in Bremen/Germany.

Europe / Germany / Bremen / Bremen