DS Hathaway

A portfolio that investigates the imperfect, distant, dark, dysfunctional self in all of us. It is an analytical photographic exploration into the human subconscious which I am interested in raising...

North America / United States of America / Georgia / Atlanta

h e r . f o t o 2

photography is a kind of collaborative performance between model and photographer... as an artist i'm interested in expanding my portfolio to include the female figure and to develop a more...

Europe / Germany / Berlin


Ich bin Hobbyfotograf und fotografiere seit ca. 37 Jahren, aber erst seit 2011 etwas ernster mit dem Wunsch nach guten Ergebnissen. Seit 2011 fotografiere ich auch Menschen, fast ausschließlich...

Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Münster

DanBrandLee 5

As a photographer, I look for the emotions beneath a formally perfect surface at the decisive moment. It's a great challenge that drives me on every day and where you never really reach your...

Europe / Switzerland / Urtenen-Schönbühl