Swen Muenstermann 2

Thank you for taking interest in my work. I'm Swen Münstermann from the city of Münster in Westfalen, Germany. I'm primarily interested in photographing people (portraiture, fashion,...

Europe / Germany / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Münster

Francesca Bonfatti (Gelidelune) 1

I explore physical and mental spaces, tracing itineraries of perception between phenomenology and poetry of vision. In my work I investigate and carry on sensitive experiences, in a space of visible...

Europe / Venice - Italy

Hurt Reinhard

I am an amateur-photographer. I shoot in the genres of portrait, fine art nude, street and travel. I own a Fuji digital camera but my passion is using my old analog cameras and black&white films....

Europe / Austria / Groß-Siegharts