New photos are submitted permanently to the STRKNG portfolios. Which images are good and are they going through? Rate yourself.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
I always liked to work with the camera, just as I painted, drew and designed creative. And I got round to doing photography in 2004 by music. In both areas music as well as photography, I'm...
ich knippse doch nur......
Marc Mennigmann (born 1970) worked as a session musician in the 1990s and founded two companies which both still exist. He started photography for fun in the new millennium using medium format film...
Schoo Flemming is an award winning photographer/filmmaker whose work focuses on fine art, landscape and portraiture. Schoo Flemming has studied photography and filmmaking in Germany and has been...