"muses" - photography

Laura Daddabbo 13

My creative production is mainly focused on the identity, emotions, sensitivity of the female world always in relation to time and the importance of the past in women’s lives. The women in my photos...

Europe / Italy / Bologna

ugo grandolini 8

Self-taught — I started my journey into the world of photography in 2017, since then I dedicate over 90% of my time to this artistic discipline. From training to organising sessions lasting several...

Europe / Italy / Como

Lorne Resnick 1

I photograph my obsessions. My first book captured a decade of live rock concerts, from Aerosmith to ZZ Top. My second spanned over 20 years of photographing Cuba, immersing myself in its vibrant...

North America / United States of America / Georgia (US) / Atlanta

Serge Kponton 1

Serge Kponton is a French-Togolese multi-talented visual artist, born in 1980 in Lomé, and currently based in Paris. Self-taught artist and passionate about visual arts, he satisfies his curiosity...

Europe / France / Paris

Getting ready for him... / Nude  photography by Photographer ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Getting ready for him... - © ugo grandolini

I dream about you... / Fine Art  photography by Photographer ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

I dream about you... - © ugo grandolini

Emily / Nude  photography by Photographer ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Emily - © ugo grandolini

Paulita / Portrait  photography by Photographer ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Paulita - © ugo grandolini

Ghost Town #1 / Fine Art  photography by Photographer ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Ghost Town #1 - © ugo grandolini

I dream of a better world / Fine Art  photography by Photographer ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

I dream of a better world - © ugo grandolini


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