mahamaya 47

Nude / Fine Art / Schwarz - weiss / Abstrakt / Wie wirklich ist unsere Wahrnehmung? Wie wirklich ist Maya? Ist sie Versucherin? Verblenderin? Verlockung? Rätsel? Schöpferin der Illusion? Das,...

Europe / Germany / Leipzig/Dresden/Chemnitz

Lima Lew 56

I just am... ! :) And sometimes I meet people with a camera.

Europe / Germany / Niedersachsen / Hannover

Christi Ker 4

After having suffered life-threatening injuries in a car accident in 2014 I now am marked with scars across my chest, my lip and my chin. First these made me very insecure, but now I appreciate...

Europe / Germany / Bayern / Regensburg