Eyes are useless when the mind is blind - © Sophie Germano

DEMONS - © Rafa Macías (Oroyplata)

Hoch.Erhoben - © Janinepatejdl
A metà tra un diario e un testamento, la fotografia di Debora Vernagallo ci lascia dentro a un viaggio fotografico dentro e fuori dal dolore. Una conquista quotidiana e mai scontata quella di vivere...
Flying Freelance Portrayer. Purveyor of Exquisite Photographic Peculiarities. Fabriqueur of Foxy Femmes. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the late TicKL-Magazine. Author of THE EYES OF THE FOX, her...
Photography has accompanied my life for almost 10 years. When I started to learn more and more about photography (autodidact at the age of 18), my goals were the same as they are now : I want to...
I explore physical and mental spaces, tracing itineraries of perception between phenomenology and poetry of vision. In my work I investigate and carry on sensitive experiences, in a space of visible...
When I photograph people, faces -- the intensity of light pushes me like the wind. A strong force that forces me to be more abstract. For me, black and white is closer to my memories of picking up...
Eyes are useless when the mind is blind - © Sophie Germano
DEMONS - © Rafa Macías (Oroyplata)
Hoch.Erhoben - © Janinepatejdl
Wednesday, 02-26 19:00h - Tuesday, 03-18 18:00h
Fotogalerie Friedrichshain, Helsingforser Platz 1, 10243 Berlin
Deutschland / Europa
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