Valtari - © Manchesbythesea

Inconvenient Truths - © Gutenbild
Peacocks feather

O C E A N - © Carpe Lucem
Introspective photography exploring often dark and melancholic moods and emotions mostly through self-portraits.
I became excited about bringing together sadness, mystery, tenderness and fragility all in women's body language. l also love to tell story trough the pictures. This is reflected in the subdued,...
North America / United States of America / Kentucky / Ashford
I use photography as a metaphor for experiences of the soul by creating photographs that are simple in form, but rich in ideas and emotions. My imagery entails surreal and melancholic scenes...
Photographer for landscapes, nature, industry and architecture in the fields of advertising, tourism, corporate and annual reports. Born 1977 in Brugg (switzerland) as a real Fricktaler...
I like to create mystery atmosphere in my works with different allusions to movies, painting, literature. My photography is full of fragile and melancholic moods, dramatic and delicate feelings, soft...
alternative model. Likes melancholic, reduced art but at the same time also opulent/romantic fairytale photography. Available for TfP projects.
Valtari - © Manchesbythesea
Inconvenient Truths - © Gutenbild
Peacocks feather
O C E A N - © Carpe Lucem
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