"mathilde" - photography

Mathilde from "Mathilde and the other girls" series / Nude  photography by Photographer Magdalena Franczuk ★32 | STRKNG

Mathilde from "Mathilde and the other girls" series - © Magdalena Franczuk

Mathilde 2 / Black and White  photography by Photographer Latelier ★7 | STRKNG

Mathilde 2 - © Latelier

Mathilde / Black and White  photography by Photographer Latelier ★7 | STRKNG

Mathilde - © Latelier

Untitled from "Mathilde and the other girls" series / Portrait  photography by Photographer Magdalena Franczuk ★32 | STRKNG

Untitled from "Mathilde and the other girls" series - © Magdalena Franczuk

Untitled from "Mathilde and the other girls" series / Portrait  photography by Photographer Magdalena Franczuk ★32 | STRKNG

Untitled from "Mathilde and the other girls" series - © Magdalena Franczuk

Reading from "Mathilde and the other girls" series / Nude  photography by Photographer Magdalena Franczuk ★32 | STRKNG

Reading from "Mathilde and the other girls" series - © Magdalena Franczuk

Blog post by  STRKNG / 2017-07-19 13:07

Editors' Selection - #13 2016-06-20 - 2016-07-24
Cover »forever is not so long« © Tim Cavadini with Sandra Löwenherz

Many thanks to the contributors
adina salome h.· alyz· ananda modelpage· andré gonçalves· annesophielandou· arianna ceccarelli photography· artwood black forest· astrid schulz· aufzehengehen· axel j. scherer· bartholomäus wischnewski· beatrice almhagen· carolina sandoval· charlie foster· citpelo· claude· colin· cornel· cyanidemishka· daniel kwon· dasha and mari· david broz· dennis ramos· dianne claire alinsonorin· dusk/黃昏少年· elena korn· elisa paci· esprit confus· eugene reno· eusepia lehe· fabrizio foto· fabrizio olivi· felixinden· framafo· gsvoow· guttæ· igor b. glik· iris syzlack· jaioneamantegiestudio· jessica drew· jott· kathastrophe· kathrin broden· kayserlich· kings & thieves· lan0831· lauracallsen· lavinia dada· lena· lennylw· lichttherapie.· lisa· luca galavotti· luxxlooks photography· madame peach· marc von martial· mark emerson hamilton· marta.enigma· martin strauss· mathilde neron· meike_i· melania brescia· mifaphoto· miss souls· model sanctum· monika keller· movsaeky· mrs.poziguzo· nakiesheri· paul hamilton· rémi· resa rot· rupertt· sandrino donnhauser· sara lorusso· sarah-philline· sergey sivushkin· sermon fortapelsson· simon wagner· sleep, dream· stefan beutler· stefano majno· sturmideenkind· sztruks· thomas gauck· tim cavadini· tim harvey· tobias glawe· tony lillo· triz täss· unknown· valeriafraile· victoria lo.· wendy sama· wildwoodssoul· zarina nares


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