"margot" - photography

Margot / Portrait  photography by Photographer Pascal Chapuis ★71 | STRKNG

Margot - © Pascal Chapuis

Formalin / Nude  photography by Model Margot ★8 | STRKNG

Formalin - © Margot

Mocking With Margot's Innocence / Instant Film  photography by Photographer Axakadam ★22 | STRKNG

Mocking With Margot's Innocence - © Axakadam
Margot Lizée

Hommage à Giuseppe Gradela / Portrait  photography by Photographer Monsieur S ★2 | STRKNG

Hommage à Giuseppe Gradela - © Monsieur S
Margot Boulard

V / Portrait  photography by Model Margot ★8 | STRKNG

V - © Margot
Igor Voloshin

bee / HL / Photomanipulation  photography by Model Margot ★8 | STRKNG

bee / HL - © Margot
Igor Voloshin

Editors' Selection - #42 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2020-06-04 11:45

Editors' Selection - #42

100 striking images · 2019-05-18 - 2019-06-24

Cover: © Anna Försterling

Many Thanks to the contributors:

aaron walls· aldus different-breed· alex shvedov· amiyumi· andreas zühlke· anna försterling· anna wiedemann· bcb karim· bea amber· bogdan bousca· boris bethge· bret watkins· brianselener· britta brandt· carlos odeh· carmen de vos· carsten schenker· christoph ruhrmann· cottel sébastien· dark indigo· denbe.fotografie· dewframe· dirk rohra· e l k· ed aldridge· egon k· ernst weerts· evangelia· fadingsun32· franziska korries fotografie· garymphoto· grischa georgiew· hans krum· hendrik· holger dülken· ivo fotografie· jmk fotodesign· jo lunenburg· julia dunin photography· julian roedel· knas· kurt wolf· la bestia incontrolable· lichtundnicht· lina belman· luciana marti· mångata· marcus staab photographie· margherita· margot· marian hummel· mario von oculario· markus hartmann· martin treml· massimiliano balo'· md arafat· milù babayaga· odin.tk· oliver staack· patrick mayr· peculiar.mind· peter meyer - fotografie· peyman naderi· purity.control· ralf tophoven· ralph k.· rené greiner fotografie· renée nesca· ronald wanke· sebastian becker photo· serge kponton· sinnlicht-fotografie· sophie.srm· studiobenai· supersteech· svenja· thomas berlin· thomas gauck· thomas maenz· thomas strauss photography· thorsten geisser emotionale fotografie· tulipe· ugrandolini· unfassbar_lieb· ungemuetlich· vanessa madec· willi schwanke
STRKNG Editors' Selection - #27 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2018-11-13 17:14
Cover: »please don't hurt me« | © Kopfbild
Cover: »please don't hurt me« | © Kopfbild
2nd place/cover voting: Sæbraut - © Alex Omarsson
2nd place/cover voting: Sæbraut - © Alex Omarsson

STRKNG Editors' Selection - #27

100 striking images · 2017-11-10 - 2017-12-12

Cover: »please don't hurt me« | © Kopfbild

Many thanks to contributors!

adolfo valente· alex omarsson· alexander kirsch· almaelisabeth· andreas jöhren· andreas puhl· annesophielandou · antonkimpfbeck· arigrafie· axel j. scherer· benjamin ebi photography· bernard bosc· bianca serena truzzi· blaueliebe.· cha0skarsten· charlie foster· chelsea· christoph ruhrmann· cordula kelle-dingel· corwin von kuhwede· d'ombres & de lumières· david_gonsior_photographie· deborah h.· dennis weber photography· dietmar bouge· dirk kultus· ele_noir· estelle nowack· evangelia· felix spiegel· francesco sambati· geidiemmeph· george emil odthermat· greta larosa· hannes klotz· henning· herr bert· j-k-photoart· janine cataldo· jarek januszewski· kathrin broden· kopfbild· la fleur de la nuit· leonid litvac· loris arcostanzo· luba· luca coculo· lukas kaminski· lu★· marc elgo· margot· maria frodl· marinksy· martazbieron· maryvjaer· maure· michael m· michalina wozniak· mkaesler· muirgen· nadæc· nakiesheri· nasos karabelas· natalie stirz· nathan wirth· norbert josefsson· nycdp · papa rob · peter fengler fotografie· philip dehm· photographysh· photörhead.ch· pieter van balen· piotr polakiewicz· pwb-fotografie.de· rene de haan· revilo· riccardo bandiera· ruinenstaat· sandra herber· schieflicht· selma reis· stefan beutler· svartalfar· terry magson· thomas gauck· thomas maenz· thomas ruppel· thorsten schnorrbusch· tommaso simone· valeria schettino· vanessa conway· victor gomez· wiktor franko
Blog post by  STRKNG / 2017-11-17 15:50
Editors' Selection - #16

100 striking images / 2016-10-10 - 2016-11-19

Cover »TOM« © sollenaphotography

Many thanks to the contributors!
@nycdp· adina salome h.· alexander hauck photography· alexander hufenbach photography· alva marleen· alyz· amelie· ana lora· andrea passon· andreas jorns· andreas puhl· andrey merschiy· andy lee· asgy photography· au-contraire photography· axel j. scherer· bảo· catered· christoph ruhrmann· corwin von kuhwede· da fárago· dan photography· daniel rosse· dorotheya· dunkelgrau.fotografie· ecd.2· elisa scascitelli· evangelia· gabienne· heike zanini· herr merzi· igor b. glik· ioannis (yiannis) samaras· jaya suberg· jo grabowski· john-erik· jonica· julie· julie de waroquier· katja kemnitz· kerstin hojka fotografie· kevin salcedo· lichtweisend· lilelu· linda lena blanka· londoncoffee3· luca coculo· lucy marti· magdalena franczuk· manja peeters· marc von martial· margaux· margot· marilla muriel· martin röhr· martina civardi· michael färber photography· michalina wozniak· nakiesheri· namo-modelpage· obiwolf· odin . timo karnatz· pafphoto· paolobarzman· phạm anh tú· pixelworx· r j poole - the anima series· r. chamber photography· rafael scheidle· raimundl79· ralf v. leoprechting· raschfoto.de· robert hutinski· ronny· roofs of neukoelln· rot, resa· rova design· sandra herber· sebastian freitag· sermon fortapelsson· sollenaphotography· stefania sammarro· susanna· thibault roland· thomas füngerlings· thomas gauck· thomas maenz· tom silent fotografie· vanessa conway· victor bezrukov· victor hamke· victoria lo.· vivienne b· wiktor franko· zwischensequenz


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