Smile - © Piper Photography

Lucky Strike - © I-kon
I'm a Graphic Designer who happens to take photos. Over 25 years as an Art Director makes the difference in my work. You can learn technical skills as a photographer, but having a great eye is what...
As a photographer I can't do anything alone, I am always looking for a partnership who would like to be my model, MUA, wardrobe, studio, agent. I shoot fashion, art, nude, portrait. Photography is...
North America / United States of America / California / San Francisco
What started out with me travelling to Canada for a work & travel year and the idea of a picture diary for my family became a bit more serious when I finally got my first dslr camera in April of...
Since stepping back as a model to spend more time behind the camera, I have been really lucky and have worked with multiple companies, first a videographer and then as a photographer as well. These...
Fri, Nov 8 at 11:42 AM I've Been Lucky to Have Known and Loved Some Unusual Woman, So My Perspective Is a Little Different. I Also Got Interested In High Fashion Early In My Career. From the...
North America / United States of America / St. Louis Missouri
Smile - © Piper Photography
Lucky Strike - © I-kon
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