"long" - photography

Hendrik 52

Berlin Friedrichshain vibes. Love. Pride. Dignity. The golden decade. Gone forever. Lost to yesterday, yet unforgotten. Opened another wonderful chapter long ago, holding fond memories in...

Europe / Germany / Berlin / Berlin

Karim bouchareb 17

Buchareb Karim I am Algerian b&w photographer I work as a legal administrator in an industrial company in annaba(bône) , I try to confuse reality with imagination of things that can make people...

Africa / Algeria / Annaba

Nasos Karabelas 17

Nasos Karabelas is a fine art photographer and film director based in Thessaloniki, Greece. He was born in 1992 in Pyrgos, Greece. He started dealing with photography the last seven years and he has...

Europe / Greece / Thessaloniki

Nathan Wirth 17

Nathan Wirth, who was born and raised in San Francisco, is a self-learned photographer that uses a variety of techniques— including long exposure and infrared— to express his unending wonder of...

North America / United States of America / California / Marin County

peterallert1 10

The German Artist & Photographer Peter Allert has made his studies of Biology-Chemistry, Technical, and Scientific-Photography at the Munich Technical University and Ludwig-Maximilian's-University...

Europe / Germany / Hamburg / Hamburg

Irina ludosanu 20

bout me I work part time as a model - my main area of interest is art. I'm bubbly, friendly and easy to work with; I'm an artist and can easily get the idea behind the shot. I am able to pose...

Europe / Romania / Constanta

Sophie Simone 8

I am a Swiss model and I am traveling the world. I am natural and with my expression I bring brightness into the world. I love to be in front of the camera.

Europe / Switzerland / Zürich

Christi Ker 4

After having suffered life-threatening injuries in a car accident in 2014 I now am marked with scars across my chest, my lip and my chin. First these made me very insecure, but now I appreciate...

Europe / Germany / Bayern / Regensburg

Alana 4

hi there i am lana rose Monroe A 30 year old international model With a creative mind sexy body (highlevel fitness girl ) and allways butterfly changing mind ....

Europe / Netherlands / Amsterdam

Sophie 1

I am a transgender non-op woman, with about two years of modelling experience. - I like to explore universal symbols in my work, and use them for my favourite topics: gender, feminism and climate...

Europe / Germany / Berlin

Cezary / Nude  photography by Model marta.enigma ★43 | STRKNG

Cezary - © marta.enigma

Face #3 / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Nasos Karabelas ★17 | STRKNG

Face #3 - © Nasos Karabelas

At The Edges - Commended: Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2014 / Landscapes  photography by Photographer Lee Acaster ★38 | STRKNG

At The Edges - Commended: Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2014 - © Lee Acaster

silent for so long / Nude  photography by Photographer Stefan Beutler ★145 | STRKNG

silent for so long - © Stefan Beutler

Derelict Dream / Waterscapes  photography by Photographer Léon Leijdekkers ★9 | STRKNG

Derelict Dream - © Léon Leijdekkers

This pain I no longer can contain / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Elyssa Obscura ★14 | STRKNG

This pain I no longer can contain - © Elyssa Obscura

Blog post by  STRKNG / 2025-01-17 14:16
Hello everyone,

In his feedback blog post from February 2024, Andreas Puhl sparked an interesting discussion. He questioned why the same photos and photographers often dominate the categories and regions, even though some of them are no longer active.

This inspired us to introduce annual filters over the past few months. These filters make the top images of the current year instantly visible.

The full list remains accessible, as it provides new visitors with an impressive first look at the project. For this reason, the annual filters are only visible to logged-in users.

We hope this update motivates long-time participants to become active again and compete at the top in the current year.

We look forward to seeing your photos and thank you for making our beautiful gallery possible.

Your STRKNG Team

Hallo zusammen,

Andreas Puhl hat in seinem Feedback-Blog-Beitrag im Februar 2024 eine spannende Diskussion angestoßen. Er fragte, warum in den Kategorien und Regionen oft die gleichen Fotos und Fotograf*innen dominieren, obwohl diese teilweise nicht mehr aktiv sind.

Das haben wir zum Anlass genommen, in den letzten Monaten Jahresfilter einzuführen. Mit diesen Filtern sind die Top-Bilder des aktuellen Jahres auf einen Blick sichtbar.

Die Ansicht der Gesamtliste bleibt weiterhin verfügbar, da sie für neue Besucherinnen einen beeindruckenden ersten Einblick in das Projekt bietet.
Deswegen sind die Jahresfilter nur für eingeloggte Nutzerinnen sichtbar.

Wir hoffen, dass diese Neuerung langjährige Teilnehmer*innen motiviert, auch im aktuellen Jahr wieder aktiv zu werden und vorne mitzuspielen.

Wir freuen uns auf Eure Bilder und danken Euch, dass Ihr unsere wunderschöne Galerie möglich macht.

Viel Spaß!
Euer Team STRKNG
..at a 1/15th of a second.. - Blog post by Photographer Tempus Fugit Photo / 2025-01-07 15:22
I / Portrait
II / Portrait
III / Portrait
IV / Portrait
V / Portrait
VI / Portrait
VII / Portrait
VIII / Portrait
The Archive Reveals All - Blog post by Photographer Clint / 2025-01-03 11:04
» #1/4 « / The Archive Reveals All / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/clint/">Photographer Clint</a> / 2025-01-03 11:04
» #2/4 « / The Archive Reveals All / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/clint/">Photographer Clint</a> / 2025-01-03 11:04
» #3/4 « / The Archive Reveals All / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/clint/">Photographer Clint</a> / 2025-01-03 11:04
» #4/4 « / The Archive Reveals All / Blog post by <a href="https://strkng.com/en/photographer/clint/">Photographer Clint</a> / 2025-01-03 11:04
Zwillingstürme • Twin Towers - Blog post by Photographer xprssnst / 2024-12-06 17:23
Muster im Himmel und auf dem Strand / Landscapes / strand,beach,himmel,sky
Muster im Himmel und auf dem Strand
List Ost in den Dünen, gesehen von den Buhnen am Meer / Dokumentation / strand,beach,lighthouse,leuchtturm,buhnen,groynes
List Ost in den Dünen, gesehen von den Buhnen am Meer
Der Strand mit List Ost im Hintergrund / Landscapes / schatten,shadow,strand,beach,wolken,clouds,leuchtturm,lighthouse
Der Strand mit List Ost im Hintergrund
List Ost, gesehen durch den Strandhafer auf den Dünen / Natur / leuchtturm,lighthouse,dünen,dunes,strandhafer,beachgrass
List Ost, gesehen durch den Strandhafer auf den Dünen
List Ost / Architektur / leuchtturm,lighthouse,dünen,dunes
List Ost
Wolken, Strandgras und Sandwellen / Natur / strand,beach,dünen,dunes,wolken,clouds
Wolken, Strandgras und Sandwellen
List West aus etwas Entfernung / Natur / dünen,dunes,clouds,wolken,leuchtturm,lighthouse
List West aus etwas Entfernung
List West / Architektur / leuchtturm,lighthouse,dünen,dunes
List West
Liste West, Blick auf die Galerie im oberen Bereich / Architektur / Leuchtturm,lighthouse
Liste West, Blick auf die Galerie im oberen Bereich


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