"levente" - photography

Levente Kovacs 1

I am a simple portrait photographer. Usually my portraits won't try to tell a larger story, they just focus on the person - if they do, it was not intentional. I prefer carefully planned photoshoots...

Europe / Germany / Berlin

Levente Portrait Photograph Berlin / Portrait  photography by Photographer Levente Kovacs ★1 | STRKNG

Levente Portrait Photograph Berlin - © Levente Kovacs

Contemplatio I.  (Levente Portrait Photography Berlin) / Portrait  photography by Photographer Levente Kovacs ★1 | STRKNG

Contemplatio I. (Levente Portrait Photography Berlin) - © Levente Kovacs

Levente Portrait Photograph Berlin / Portrait  photography by Photographer Levente Kovacs ★1 | STRKNG

Levente Portrait Photograph Berlin - © Levente Kovacs

Girl with Feather II / Portrait  photography by Photographer Levente Kovacs ★1 | STRKNG

Girl with Feather II - © Levente Kovacs

Levente Portrait Photography Berlin / Portrait  photography by Photographer Levente Kovacs ★1 | STRKNG

Levente Portrait Photography Berlin - © Levente Kovacs

Girl with Feather (Levente Portrait Photography Berlin) / Portrait  photography by Photographer Levente Kovacs ★1 | STRKNG

Girl with Feather (Levente Portrait Photography Berlin) - © Levente Kovacs

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #58 - Blog post by  STRKNG / 2022-01-13 14:08

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #58

100 striking images · 22.12.2020 - 27.01.2021

»Parlami di te« © 6oize6

Many thanks to the contributors
6oize6· a. different-breed· achim katzberg· alex tsarfin· amira mukhina· andreas ebner· andreas maria kahn· annalisa de luca· arto pazat· bedaman· belanglosigkeit· belapho· bogdan bousca· bubadibub· christian fuhrmann· christian karner ckvi· christopher frank photography· claudy b.· colin· constantyearing· corwin pixel· craft werk 4· daniel wandke· dieterkit· dirk kultus· dirk lorenz· egon k· elena kiselyova· eliza loveheart· emma prin· fleba fenicio· francesco sambati· gabriela minks· gernot schwarz· hady· hans-martin doelz· herz.mensch.fotografie· hetocy· hpd-fotografy· jakob creuzfeld· jens scheider· joachim alt· kai mueller· karim bouchareb· leonid litvac· levente kovacs· lili cranberrie· lin chong· luciana marti· mahamaya· marco bressi· maria schäfer photography· marta glińska· martial rossignol· martin peterdamm· matheu· michael heinzig· michael stoecklin· michał magdziak· miriam nissen· nick· olaf korbanek· p3667· patrick leube· raquel simba· reahnima· rensen· robertino radovix· rolf florschuetz· romzesh· rosa h. lightart· ruslan galeev· santo martinez· severin messenbrink· simone gernhardt· simone sander· surman christophe· thedannyguy· thomas illhardt· tulipe· uwe leininger· varvara kandaurova· vincent brousseau· zachary hurlburt


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