Landscape photography refers to the photography of landscapes and nature. The goal is to capture and represent the beauty and aesthetics of the landscape in an artistic way. The choice of perspective, lighting conditions, and composition are important factors in achieving this. Landscape photography can be pursued as both a hobby and a professional art form.
Below is an overview of the portfolio cards (Comp Cards) of our participants. Click on the participant's name to go to the detail view of the portfolio and get more information.
For more than 30 years (with long stretched interruptions) I am trying to MAKE images, as opposed to just 'taking shots'. Ansel Adams spoke straight from my heart when he said exactly that in his...
Architektur- Reportage und Reprographie Photos für Immobilien Exposé, Geschäftsberichte, Social Media, Print, Commercial, Kunstkataloge Dokumentationen: Trade Shows, Congress, Convention,...